Page 12 - Newsletter
P. 12

And finally:

                              Thanks to Sally Tidman for her support
                                and advice on publishing this edition.

                       Thanks to Pavel, Liam,Flo, Sil and Wendy for their

                                    contribution to this newsletter.

                     Thanks to all of you for reading it. Hopefully you will
                     feel inspired to contribute a small article to the next

                     edition or just be featured along with some fun facts
                    about you. Remember, this newsletter is for everyone

                  and the main purpose is for us to get to know each other

                       better. Please come and speak to us, send a Skype
                                           message or email us.

                  Don’t forget to speak to those colleagues featured in this

                   newsletter about anything you’ve read – perhaps you’ve
                         already found something in common with your

                     neighbour! We’d love to hear about your hometown,
                     your love of music or sport or simply send us a tip on

                     your favourite place to eat in town or a review of the
                                        latest movie you’ve seen.

                               This newsletter is for you all. ENJOY!
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