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P. 51

One Million


                                                             Park Lane

                                        Ventique gallery is  delight-   THE SCULPTURE
                                 ed to announce that the One Million   Her Majesty  the  Queen’s  pro-
                                 Queen sculpture by Matt Marga has   file  is  created by the  composition
                                 been installed on Achilles Way, Park   of one million crystals embedded in a
                                 Lane. Matt Marga is an Italian artist   monolithic  optically  clear  sheet  of
                                 based  in London working  from his   glass measuring 2.95 m x 5.5 m height.
                                 studio in Chelsea. When looking for a  The handmade  diamond-cut  crys-
                                 universal symbol  representing the   tals,  which  are  approximately
                                 city  he chose one of  the  most  rec-  2.5  mm in diameter are partial-
                                 ognisable  profiles, the  one of  Her  ly coated with gold  foil  to increase
                                 Majesty  Queen Elizabeth II.  With   the diffraction  of light. Among
                                 his piece he wants to celebrate the   the million crystals, 53  real dia-
                                 life  and legacy of one of the most  monds  - carefully  placed at  the
                                 influential  figures  in modern  history   center of the crown’s cross  - rep-
                                 and Head of the Commonwealth as     resent the  53 member  states  of
                                 a union of nations.  The  1M Queen  the Commonwealth  of Nations.
                                 marks the first time that Marga exhibits   The glass weighs 2500  kg  and
                                 publicly one of his sculpture in London.  is held by a steel  frame in the
                                 The temporary  sculpture has been   ground  of  2500 kg.  The engi-
                                 commissioned  by Ventique art       neering  difficulties  of  installing
                                 gallery together with  Westminster  such an imposing object required
                                 City  of  Sculptures. This celebra-  months of  planning and calcu-
                                 tory artwork wants to  be a hom-    lations  to make sure  the final
                                 age to the World’s longest reigning  effect  would  have  the  visual
                                 Monarch and a symbol  of  the       impact  the  artist  intended  to
                                 United Kingdom.                     achieve at the best level of stability.

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