Page 55 - Stargaze - Cover FRONT - RGB
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structures  supporting eye-catching,  their  original   environment.
                                 shimmering  surfaces. Experiment-   While  with  the  London Geodes se-
                                 ing with multidimensionality, tex-  ries he recreated rock  walls  and
                                 tures and light, his works have the  hide crystals back  into the cracks,
                                 power to  hypnotize the  view-      with  the  1M  Queen and the  Galas-
                                 er  in  fascination  or  curiosity.  sia’s  pieces, glass is the  new ma-
                                 Marga’s  2018  projects  include    terial  that  serves as context  for the
                                 exhibitions  in  Florence,  Mi-     gems.  The product of  this  ap-
                                 lan, Dubai, Malta  and London.      proach is a different frame, aming
                                                                     to  bring  out  a  hidden beauty  and
                                 VENTIQUE ART GALLERY                showcase  it  in its purest  form.
                                 Ventique is a contemporary art gal-  The transparency  of the glass is
                                 lery  based in  Chelsea, London, UK.   the  necessary  mean to  valorize the
                                 Opened in 2014 the gallery went from  profile and make it look suspended
                                 exhibition  space,  to  a  refer-   in midair. The original subject of the
                                 ence   point  for  artists,  interi-  Galassia  collection  were  abstract
                                 or  designers,  and   collectors.   conformations  of  crystals  that
                                 The venue has hosted Marga’s “Lon-  symbolize dark skies filled with stars.
                                 don Geodes - the beauty inside” ex-  With this work instead we see the
                                 hibition  in  September 2017  and is  subject change and develop from an
                                 currently displaying pieces from both   abstract  imagery  to  a  more
                                 the Geodes and the Galassia collec-  recognizable subject.  All  trans-
                                 tion.  The  1 Million  Queen  sculpture  portations needed  for the  mak-
                                 itself  belongs  to  the  latter.   ing and installation  of  the  sculp-
                                                                     ture apart from the heavy loads
                                 THE MESSAGE                         have been carried out by bike
                                 Crystals are  a  recurring motif  in   and with the aid of bicycle  trailers.
                                 Marga’s  work. Attracted  to  this  fas-  The artist  wanted to  reduce the
                                 cinating  material, his activity  as an  carbon footprint  of the artwork and
                                 artist  consists in the process     encouraged  his collaborators to
                                 of trying to put them back  into    act  in  the  most  environmentally

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