Page 665 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 665

Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.
Absorption, 4344, 280281, 280f, 348349, 396 Accelerometers, 314315, 463465, 464f
MEMS-based, 465
pendulum, 464465
Acoustic communication, 63
Acoustic flooded member detection, 494 Acoustic lens sonar, 413416
Acoustic modems, 191
Acoustic noise, 380385
environmental, 380
noise level calculations, 380 reflections, 383385
sound paths, 381
sound velocity, 381382 thruster noise, 381
Acoustic positioning, 425, 427431, 592593, 593f. See also Positioning
capabilities and limitations of, 443445 general rules for use of, 451
and sonar modules, 102
Active pulse inductance, 481483 Active sonar, 390, 394395 Actuator, 511
Adapter cable, 171
A-frame, 226f, 238
Airborne mine neutralization system (AMNS),
Aircraft analogy, 6465
Alkalinity and pH, 3839
Alternating current field measurement (ACFM),
479480 Altimeter, 32, 288, 471
Ambient noise (AN), 396
American Petroleum Institute (API), 527 Ammonium, 43
Anchor inspections, 614
Angle of incidence, 395
Anthropomorphic manipulator system, 506f Aquaculture
applications, 576577
operations, 324
Archeological search, 581582
Archerfish, 566, 568f
Aspect ratio, 265, 265f, 266f
Asynchronous transmission mode (ATM), 336337, 337f
Atlas 7-function arm characteristics, 520f
Attention to detail, 634
Attenuation loss, 396
Autonomous Inspection Vehicle, 653f Autonomous ROVs, 648658
autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), 4, 649655 hybrids, 655658
structurally compliant vehicles, 648649
Autonomy, degree of, 6263 Autostabilization, 9798
Backscatter, 399401 Baling arm system, 235 Band-pass filter, 312, 313f Barrel mold, 173 Baseband, 267
transmission, 358
Baseline ambiguity, 430, 447 Bathymetric sensors, 468
Beam axis, 375
Beam forming, 395
Beaufort scale, 4851
Benefits of today’s ROV, 644 Benzene infrared spectrum, 318f Binary digit, 361362
Binary signals, 361
Biosensors, 315316
Bit rate, 335336
Bits, 361362
Blanking interval, 263
Boat handling, 635636
ROV operations, 636
side-scan sonar operations, 635636 Bollard pull, 135
Bonding, 213215
castable polyurethane resin splices, 213214
cold splice, 214215 transfer-molded rubber splice, 213 vulcanized rubber splice, 213
Bottom crawlers, 63 Bottom-crawling vehicles, 642 Breakouts, 173
Brushless DC motors, 131 Bulkhead connectors, 166167

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