Page 667 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 667

Connectionless service, 333334 Connectorless
data transfer, 188
power transfer, 191
Connectors, 165166, 352353, 353f, 354f Console interface module (CIM), 101 Construction, ROVs in, 19
Contact probe, 498
Continuity test, 215
Contract versus call-out work, 1112 Control stations, 156
Copper, 200
Core sampling tool, 543544
Couplings, for ROV thruster, 132
Crew briefing, 606607
Crystal ball, 658660
Currents, 46, 244
Dacront, 198
Data communication, evolution of, 328329 Data networking and ROVs, 329330
Data terminal equipment (DTE), 333334 Data transmission and protocol, 154
Day rate
versus capital expenditure (CAPEX) versus, 1516
versus project management, 1215 DC brushless linear actuator, 537 Decibel, 355358, 372 Decontamination, 622
Degrees of freedom (DoF), 505
in industrial manipulator systems, 507
Demobilization, 624
Density, 3032
Deployment techniques, for free-flying vehicle, 222226
directly deployed, 222223
tether management system, 223226 Depth, 3235
echo sounder, 3234
opticacoustic seabed classification, 3435 sensors, 470
Depth rating of ROV, by classification, 9 Design theory, 7288
drag equation, 74
dynamic stability, 7488
mission efficiency, designing for, 73 mission-related vehicle trim, 77
thrust/drag point, 7788
unmanned underwater vehicle objectives, 7273
Detection threshold (DT), 396 Dexterous arms, 517518
Dexterous workspace, 521
Diamagnetism, 478
Diamond wire saw, 551
DIDSON, 413f, 414, 414f, 416f
Differential pressure measurement (DPM) sensors, 320 Digital video, 269272
Directionality, 361
Directivity index (DI), 377378, 393, 394f, 396 Dispersion limitation, 349350
Display, 264267
Dissolved gases, 4042
Distortion, 279
Division of responsibility, 635
Docking head. See Lock latch
Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), 332, 471472 Drag equation, 74
Drop cell, 498
Drum capacity, 230, 231f
Dry versus wet mate connectors, 180181
Dual frequency, 409410
Dual manipulator skid, 548f
Dual manipulator system operations, 557f Dummy connectors and sealing caps, 167168 Dynacon’s Model 501, 234, 234f
Dynacon’s Model 5521XL, 232, 232f, 233f Dynamic positioning of ROV, 9899
Dynamic range, 301
Dynamics module, 103
Earth as a bar magnet, 489f
Earth’s magnetic field vector components, 489f, 490f Echo, 395
return, 395
sounder, 3234
EDTV, 267
EIA232 standard, 365
Ekman spiral, 46
Electric motors, 128
Electric SNOOPY, 57 Electrical actuation, 555557 Electrical power, 153155
AC versus DC considerations, 153 data throughput, 153154
data transmission and protocol, 154 underwater connectors, 154155
Electrical signal transmission, 334338 Electrical slip ring, 145146 Electrohydraulic power, 155156 Electromagnetic energy transmissions, 43 Electromagnetic sensors, 319
Electronic filters, 311312
Index 669

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