Page 666 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 666
668 Index
Buoyancy, 109116
hydrostatic equilibrium, 116118 and stability, 116120
transverse stability, 118119 water density and, 119120
Bytes, 361362
Cable cutter, 539
Cable design methodology, 199200
Cable glands, 171
Cable gripper, 539541
Cable grips, 178
Cable-controlled Underwater Research Vehicle (CURV),
5657, 60 Cable/tube grippers, 543f
Cage deployed ROV, 224f, 225, 225f Calcium, 43
Call out versus contract work, 1112 Calypso, 137
Camera, 251254, 252f, 253f modules, 102
optics, 256f
Capacitance measurement circuits, 307308 Capacitive sensors, 318319
Capital expenditure (CAPEX) versus day rate, 1516 Castable polyurethane resin splices, 213214
CAT-5 cable overview, 205206, 208f
Cathode ray tube (CRT), 250, 264, 264f
Cathodic potential sensors, 494499
C&C Technologies, 649
CDL INStar, 475, 475f
CDL MiniSense3, 465, 465f
CDL TOGS-NAV 2, 463f, 474f, 475
CEMF (counter electromotive force), 130
Center of buoyancy (CB), 116118
Center of gravity (CG), 116118
Ceramic spheres, 113114
Characteristic impedance, 341
Charge Coupled Devices (CCD), 251252, 253f Checklist
post dive, 623
predive, 608609
standard preventative maintenance, 628629
Chemical oceanography. See also Ocean environment chlorophyll, 38
compressibility, 28
conductivity, 2829
density, 3032
depth, 3235
dissolved gases, 4042 electromagnetic transmissions, 4345
ionic concentration, 43
pressure, 28
salinity, 2428
solar radiation, 43
sonic velocity and sound channels, 3537 turbidity, 38
viscosity, 38
water flow, 38
water quality, 3840 water temperature, 30
Chemical sensors, 316318 Chloride, 43
Chlorophyll, 38
Chromatic dispersion, 348 Circular dummy connectors, 169f Circulation, 4551
currents, 46
tides, 4748
water velocity, 48
waves and Beaufort scale, 4851
Cleaning tool, 544, 545f
Closed-loop feedback, 67
Clump weight deployed ROV, 224, 224f
Clump weights and usage, 247
Coastal zone classifications and bottom types, 2224 Codec, 273274
Cold splice, 214215
“Color, video, blanking, and sync” (CVBS), 259263 Commercial, scientific, and archeological operations,
Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) underwater connectors,
183191 Communication, 328, 361364
of bits and bytes, 361362 data communication, 328329 data representation, 362363 error control, 363
linkage, to the vehicle, 63 protocols, 363364 transmission versus, 330332
Compensator oil level, 289
Compensator/reservoir, 555, 556f
Complementary metaloxidesemiconductor (CMOS),
251252, 254f
Composite (baseband) video, 267269
Compressed high intensity radar pulse (CHIRP), 388,
409413 Compressibility, 28
Conductivity, 2829, 470
Conductors, 200
Connection control, 364
Connection service communication, 333334