Page 669 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 669
High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, 294 High-pass filter, 312, 312f
High-quality (HQ) mode, 273 High-sensitivity camera (HSC), 252254 High-speed data connectors, 186 Hi-Pot/voltage withstand test, 216 HLK-8100 tool skid, 549f
Homeland security, 18, 589599 concept of operations, 589590 inland, 598599
navigation accessories, 592595 offshore, 599
operating characteristics of ROV size categories, 590591 port security, 591, 596
results of procedures testing by sizes, 597598
tactics, techniques, and procedures, 590
techniques for accomplishing port security tasks, 595596
underwater environment of ports, 591592 Hot stab, 537538, 538f
Hubbell Dua-Pull Kellems grip, 211f
Hull searches, 595596
Humidity, 323
Hybrid connectors, 169
Hybrid system, 62
Hybrid vehicles, 655658
Hydraulic motor, 133
Hydraulic power units (HPU), 552 Hydraulic versus electrical power, 525526 Hydraulics, 552555
compensator/reservoir, 555 compensators, 554555 power units, 552 requirements, 552
valve packages, 552554 Hydrodynamics, 135
Hydro-Lek 4-function manipulator, 519f Hydrostatic equilibrium, 116118
Image capture, 420
Image rendering, 421424
Imaging sonar, 404, 416418, 592, 593f
Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP), 496, 497f Incandescent lamp, 293
Inclinometers, 288, 472
Inductance, 158
Inductance measurement circuits, 308309
Inductive coupling, 655657
Inductive recharge system, 191
Inductive sensors, 318319
Inductively coupled modem, 189
Inductors, 157159
Inertial navigation systems (INS), 465467 Infrared, 190
Inland commercial operations, 598599 In-line connectors, 167
Inspection, repair, and maintenance (IRM) project, 326 Inspection, ROVs in, 19
Instructor control module (ICM), 101
Insulation, 196, 200
Insulation resistance (IR), 216
Integral data converters, 188
Intensity, 371372
Interconnect cables, 207209
Interferometry, 459
Interlacing of video, 266267, 267f
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 527 “Inter-Sea-Net” 660661
Ionic concentration, 43 ISO 13628-8 standard, 535
Jacket, 203
Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS), 660 Jumper, 171
Junction box, 174
K2 concept drawing, 571f Kaiko, 60
Kellems grip, 210 Kevlart, 198
Kinematics, 506
Kongsberg OE14-370 Standard Camera System, 255f Kort nozzle, 133
Kraft FFB manipulator and controller, 526f
K-STER, 567568, 569f, 570f
K-STER MCM vehicle, 646f
Lace-up grips, 211
Lafayette, 649
Large ROV system, 611
Launch and recovery systems (LARS), 11, 221222, 226f,
236241, 237f A-frame, 226f, 238
fully contained system van, 239 lock latch/docking head, 236, 238f ship door, 241f
ship integrated systems, 240 telescoping, 240f
Lead zirconium titanate (PZT), 392
Index 671