Page 670 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 670
672 Index
Lens, 254259, 257f types, 255f
Level sensor, 321 Light
absorption, 281f dispersion, 278, 279f penetration, 281f refraction, 278, 279f
Light work class vehicles, 67 Light-emitting diode (LED), 294, 350 Lighting theory, 290292
quality, 291292
quantity, 290
Lightweight foam, 109110
Line speed, 230
Liquid crystal displays (LCD), 264265 Load, 322
Lock latch, 236, 238f
Locking sleeves, 186
Logic-driven circuits, 642
Logic-driven control, 99
Long baseline (LBL), 437441, 472473 Long play (LP) mode, 273
Longitudinal wave, 4849
Low-cost ROVs, 56
Low-pass filter, 311, 312f
Lubrication, 180
Magnetic particle inspection (MPI), 478479 Magnetometers, 486493
Main lobe, 393394
Maintenance, of equipment, 624625 Manipulators, 504514
actuator, 511
base, 508
basic robotics, 506
control, 513
controllers, 521525
dexterous arms, 517518
end effector, 512513
force feedback control, 525
grabbers, 515516
hydraulic versus electrical power, 525526 joint design, 519520
joints, 509
links, 509
manipulator/wrist/end effector combination, 511 mechanics and control, 506514
-operated tooling, 537547
position control, 524
range of motion and workspace, 521
rate control, 523524
remotely operated tooling, 530531
sensors and controller, 514
subsea facility and tooling design, 532533
subsea interface standards, 527534
tool deployment unit, 529530
tool skid, 531
tooling for, 529
translational versus rotational transformation, 509511 types, 515518
Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, 61 “Mark twain” 468
Marlin’s advanced autonomy, 649651, 651f
Marsh Marine connectors, 183
Mass flowmeter sensors, 320
Mated pairs, 185186
Maximum line pull, 230
MBARI PUCK, 188, 188f
Mechanical termination, 211212 Mechanically scanning sonar system, 406, 411f Megohm testing, 216
MEMS-based accelerometers, 465 MEMS-based gyros, 462463 Metal corrosion, 494495, 495f Metal object detection, 481493
active pulse inductance, 481483
active versus passive, 481
magnetometers and gradiometers, 486493 passive inductance, 483486
Metal shells, 182
with glass-to-metal seal inserts, 185 with molded inserts, 185
Metallic transmission media, 340344 Methane infrared spectrum, 317f Metrology, 324325
Mid-sized ROVs (MSROV), 68, 71 Military application, ROVs in, 1718 Mine countermeasures (MCM), 565570 Mine Neutralization System, 562, 564 Minesniper, 568
Miniaturization, 186
MiniRover, 60
MIRIS, 413415, 415f
Modal dispersion, 348
Modulation, 358359
Monotonic system, 411
Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), 273274 Motor control electronics, 157161
H-bridge, 159
inductors, 157159 PWM control, 160161
Motor torque, 131