Page 673 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 673
RS-232 standard, 365366, 365f, 367t Rubber-molded connectors, 183, 184f Rubber-molded plug connector, 185
SAAB Seaeye Ltd., 655657
Sacrificial anode cathodic protection (SACP), 496 Safe working load, 230
freshwater, 2728
saltwater, 2427
Salvage operations, 325
Scattering, 4445, 282283, 282f, 348349
and reverberation, 396
Schilling “Conan” subsea manipulator system, 507f Schilling Robotics UHD ROV, 6061
Schilling SeaNet connector, 186187
Screen resolution, 266
SeaBotix CDS, 239, 239f
SeaBotix grabber, 516f
Seafox, 569570, 570f
Seals, for ROV thruster, 131
Search, Classify, Map (SCM) phase, 565
Search technique, 579589
Search theory and electronic search techniques, 579589 Secchi depth, 4445
Segmentation and reassembly (SAR), 363364 Self-contained rotary cutter, 542f
Self-noise (SN), 396
Sensitivity, 300301
Sensor, 295
acceleration/shock/vibration, 314315 accuracy of, 301
aquaculture, 324
bandwidth, 304
biosensors, 315316
capacitance measurement circuits, 307308 capacitive/inductive sensors, 318319 characteristics, 300
chemical sensors, 316318
construction, 324325
data acquisition, 310312
defined, 309
delivery vehicle, 14
electromagnetic sensors, 319
flow, 319
force, 322323
function of, 299300
history, 298299
humidity, 323
hysteresis of, 301302
inductance measurement circuits, 308309
installation, 314
by job type, 324 level, 321
linearity graph, 302 load, 322323 noise, 303
optical and radiation, 323
output, 300306
quartz, 322
resistance measurement circuits, 306307 resolution, 303
salvage, 325
science, 325326
skids, 548550
strain gauge, 322323 structural inspection, 326 systems, 313314 weight, 322323
Serial data transmission, 335
Service package deployment, strategy for, 15 Services of ROV, by industry
construction, 19
fisheries and aquaculture, 17
homeland security, 18
inspection, repair, and maintenance, 19 military, 1718
O&G drill support, 1819
public safety, 18
science, 1617
Servicing, 624633 Shadowgraph effect, 396 Shadows, 396
Shafts, for ROV thruster, 131 Sheath, 200203
Shielded twisted pair (STP), 154
Ship hull inspections, 614
Short baseline (SBL) system, 435436
Side lobes, 393394
Side-scan sonar operations, 635636
Side-scan versus mechanically/electrically scanning, 406408 Signal, 259264
attenuation, 389390 transmission, 197 weak, 432433
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 396 Simulation, 100106
future of, 105106
physics simulation, 103105 ROV simulators, 101103
Single-beam sonars, 401402 Single-frequency sonar, 409
SIT (silicon intensified target) cameras, 254
Index 675