Page 675 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 675
Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), 590, 596 Target(s), 395
marking, 636637
methods for navigating, 637639 strength, 395
Task list and guidelines, 613623 anchor inspections, 614 expectations, 613614 HAZMAT spills, 621622
oil spills, 623
pier inspections, 614619
potable water tank inspections, 623
ship hull inspections, 614
underwater obstructions, inspecting, 620621
Telemetry, 63 Teleoperation, 6263
versus RC mode, 66
Tele-presence, 63
Telnet connection, 333334
Temperature, 470
Testing and troubleshooting, cables, 215217 Tether, 242244
cables, 195
drag, 84
guides and traps, 246247, 246f hydrodynamics of vehicle and, 243 in/out, 288
pull point, 242
pull/lay, 243
reasons for, 66
snags, 245246
turn counter, 287
umbilical and, 150153
Tether management system (TMS), 223241, 244245 deployment cage, 235
launch and recovery systems, 236241
rules for, 247248
top hat, 235
winches, 227234
Thermal anemometers, 320 Thermocouplers, 321322, 322f Thermoplastic material, 196 Thermoset material, 196
Threaded posttype connectors, 167 Threshold, 431
to drag and bollard pull, 135
propulsion and, 122134 Thruster
basics, 124126 design, 126134
electric versus hydraulic, 135140
and speed, 134135
TIA/EIA standards, 364365
Tides, 4748
Time division multiplexing (TDM), 361
Time-domain reflectometer, 216
Tool deployment unit (TDU), 529530, 530f, 550551 Tooling delivery vehicle, 1415
Tooling interface design process, 533f
Torque steering, 125126
Torque tools, 538, 541f
Total dissolved solids (TDS), 40
Towed cameras, 63
Traction winch, 232
Training and personnel qualifications, 634
Transducers, 374380, 390394
bandwidth, 375
beam pattern, 375377
construction, 374
defined, 309
directivity index (DI), 377378 efficiency, 374
medium beam/narrow beam TD, 380 source level, 379
transmitting response, 378
Transfer function, 300 Transfer-molded rubber splice, 213 Transmission, 269, 334361
baseband transmission, 358
basic data transmission model, 334 binary signals, 361
directionality, 361
electrical signal transmission, 334338 line characteristics, 339340
metallic transmission media, 340344 modulation, 358359
multiplexing, 359361
optical fiber, 344355
radio, 355
ubiquitous decibel, 355358
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 276 Transmission loss, 372374, 396
absorption loss, 373
geometrical spreading, 372373 one-way transmission loss, 374
Transmission versus communication, 330332 Transverse stability, 118119
Transverse wave, 4849
Trimer foams. See Polyisocyanurate foams Tripod-mounted sonar/ROV interaction, 637638 Troubleshooting, basics of, 625627
Index 677