Page 674 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 674

676 Index
Size classifications, of ROVs, 58 Size of vehicle, 910
Skin friction drag, 7879
Slaved gyro, 457458
Slip ring. See Rotary joints
Slipring system, 235
Small vehicle procedural modifications, 612613 Smart connectors, 186
SNOOPY vehicle, 57
Socket/spelter socket, 209210
Solar radiation, 43
Solid syntactics, 111
Sonar, 387
active, 394395
active versus passive, 390
CHIRP technology and acoustic lens systems, 410416 definition, 388389
elements, 389
equations, 397398
frequency and signal attenuation, 389390
frequency versus image quality, 402404
image capture, 420
image rendering, 421424
imaging, 404
mounted aboard the ROV, 638639
profiling, 404406
reflecting target, 636f
reflectivity and gain setting, 398399
ROV interaction, 639
side-scan versus mechanically/electrically scanning,
single- versus multibeam, 401402 single-/dual-/multifrequency versus tunable frequency,
sonar equations, 397398 sound, 388
sound backscatter, 399400 target, 636637
techniques, 416420 terminology, 395396 transducers, 390394
Sonic velocity and sound channels, 3537 Sound intensity, 371372
Sound losses, 396
Sound propagation, 370374, 431
decibel, 372
intensity, 371372 pressure, 370
transmission loss, 372374
Source level (SL), 396 Spaghetti searches, 578579 Span range, 301
Spare conductors, 206207 Spares, 627628
Special-use ROVs, 7
Specific conductance, 40 Specific interface standards, 534 Spectrat, 198
Speed, thrusters and, 134135 Spelter socket, 209210 Splash-proof dust cap, 169f Splice, 352, 354f
Spreading loss, 396
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 602624
equipment mobilization, 603
operational considerations, 604606 operational deployment, 609613 overall operational objectives, 602603 postdive procedures, 623624
predive operations and checks, 606609 task list and guidelines, 613623
Standard play (SP) mode, 273
Standard preventative maintenance checklist,
Standard ROVs, 643645
Standards and specifications, 8992 Steel, 198
Steel wire strength member, 203, 204f Sticky foot, 541543, 543f
Strain gauge sensors, 322323
Strain reliefs, 178
Strand configurations, 200, 202f
Strength ratings, 178
Structurally compliant vehicles, 642, 648649 Sub-Atlantic general function valve pack, 553f Sub-Atlantic hydraulic power unit, 553f Sub-Atlantic servo valve pack, 554, 554f Subsea
cable, 485f
camera systems, 254
diamond wire saw, 552f
facility and tooling design, 532534 interface standards, 527534
Subsea Work, Inspection, and Maintenance with Minimum Environment ROV (SWIMMER), 655, 656f, 657f
Surface-powered vehicles, 62 “Survey pod” 454455 S-Video, 268
Swim-out ROVs, 64
Synch signal, 263
Synchronous transmission mode (STM), 338, 338f Syntactic foam, 110113
Synthetic fibers, 198
Synthetic strength member, 203, 205f

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