Page 676 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 676

678 Index
T-splice, 173
Tube grippers, 539541 Tunable frequency, 410 Turbidity, 38
-based flow sensors, 320
Ubiquitous ground fault, 149150 Ultrashort baseline (USBL)
arrays, 473474
principles, 436437
Ultrasonic flaw detection, 480481 Ultrasonic flow sensors, 320321 Ultrasonic metal thickness, 499500 Umbilical and tether cables, 195 Under-vessel bottom searches, 596 Underwater acoustics, 369 Underwater cable design, 195215
bonding, 213215
conductors, 200
construction, 199
EM terminations and breakouts, 209212 insulation, 200
interconnect cables, 207209 jacket/sheath, 200203 methodology, 199200
power requirements, 195197 signal requirements, 197198 spare conductors, 206207 strength member, 203206 strength requirements, 198 summary, 215
umbilical and tether cables, 195
Underwater communications technologies, 654t Underwater connector
design, 182183
selection criteria, 181182
Underwater connectors, 154155
Underwater obstructions, inspecting, 620621 Underwater optics and visibility, 278283
absorption, 280281, 280f distortion, 279
field of view (FOV) errors, 279 focus error, 279
ROV visual lighting and scattering, 281283 Underwater vehicle variations, 65
Underwater vehicles to ROVs, 4f
communications linkage to the vehicle, 63 degree of autonomy, 6263
power source for vehicle, 62
special-use ROVs, 6364
Universal serial bus, 367
Unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), 65 Unmanned surface vehicle (USV), 654 Unmanned undersea vehicle, defined, 4 Unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 344
US Navy’s Mine Neutralization System, 563f User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 276
Vehicle classifications, 6872 mid-sized vehicles, 71 observation-class vehicles, 7071 ROV spread, 7172
size classifications, 6870 Vehicle control, 94100
autostabilization, 9798
basic thruster control, 9597
logic drive with goal orientation, 99100 logic-driven control, 99
ROV dynamic positioning, 9899
Vehicle design, 108116 ceramic spheres, 113114 frame, 108109 lightweight foam, 109110 syntactic foam, 110113
Vehicle health monitoring sensors, 289 Vehicle lighting, 289294
lighting theory, 290292
practical applications, 292294 Vehicle navigation sensors, 286288
altimeter, 288
flux gate compass, 286287 inclinometer, 288
obstacle avoidance sonar, 288 pressure-sensitive depth gauge, 288 rate gyro, 288
tether in/out, 288
tether turn counter, 287
Vehicle power, 643
Vehicle preparation, 607608
Vehicle sensors, payload sensors versus, 453455 Vehicle shape versus mission, 89 Vehicle-powered vehicles, 62
Vehicles, power source for, 62
Vessel referencing of position, 448449 Vibration sensing, 315
Video, 249
camera, 251254, 252f, 253f capture, 272273
composite video, 267269 compression, 273275 digital video, 269272 display, 264267

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