Page 3 - The Black Church Is Dead:The Unpublicized And Evident Truth
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that it must actively seek and battle for the destruct-
tion of systemic sin of which institutionalized ra-
cism ranks the highest.
If the Black Church is not addressing these missions
at the same time, then the Black Church is not being
true to how and why God created it. The works of
the Black Church today puts it in the same category
as the Jerusalem Church that James, the brother of
Jesus, was addressing in our scripture text James
2:14-17, 26.
The Christians in Jerusalem were testifying of
their faith in Christ, but their works were not
sufficient. There was a clear difference between
what they believed and what they did. James
described their faith as being dead. He pointed out
just as with the body when it has no spirit, it is dead,
the same is true when faith is without works.
The Christians in the Jerusalem Church were doing
works. They weren’t just sitting down or idly
standing doing nothing to indicate their belief in the
Risen Savior. But, the works they were doing were
not the right works. They were singing, praying,
worshipping, and doing other good deeds, but these