Page 14 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 14

Lesson Five        f,-.,i,,,,,,,, ",'''''$'k&'*'K'St' ffi#M g,  $'

       I  Whot do gou eot      for  breokfost?

       2  Listen ond reod.@ ot

         Whot do                  you tike for breokfost?

         We osked four chitdren obout their fovourite breokfost foods.

                                     Hi, I'm Abd Attoh from Eggpt. I

                                     sometimes  eot breod with jom or cheese.
                                     But usuqtlg I eot fuul ond breod for
                                     breqkfost. Fuu[ is moshed beons. It's
                                     greot with olive oil ond flot breod. I
                                     sometimes  hove on egg with it, too.

                                     Mg nome's Pete. I'm from Scotlond. For
                                     breokfost, I usuo[g hove o bowl of
                                     cereol with mi[k, ond then toost with
                                     butter. We hove lots of different cereqls       Hi. Mg nome
                                     of home, but mg fovourite is cornflokes.        is Moriono ond
                                     I don't hove o verg big breokfqst               I'm from Mexico.
                                     becouse I eot Lunch eorlg    qt  school.        Mg fovourite breokfost  is
                                                                                     huevos roncheros:  eggs
                                     Hi, evergone. I'm Huong ond I come              cooked in tomoto ond
                                     from Vietnom.  For breokfost,  I usuollg        chiLLi souce. Under the
                                       hove noodle soup. Mg grondmo  mokes           eggs is o tortillo, which is
                                       it everg morning.  Sometimes I hove xoi.  o corn poncoke. I olwogs
                                       These ore boLLs of rice with beons.           eot o big breokfost
                                                                                     becouse we don't hove
                                        ond ore reollg   Uummu.                    , [unch of school.

          underline these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
         then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionorg (poge tl6).

       4 Reod ogoin ond write M (Mexico),  5 (scotl.ond),  v(vietnom) or E (Eggpt).

         L People hove soupfor breokfort.         E               2 PeopLe eot cereoL with miLk.      !

         3 Breokfost here is o poncoke with eggs.          D      4 People eot moshed beons ond breod            D

         5 The chiLdren hove o veru big breokfost.         !      6 Some people hove rice boLLs.        f]

        12    Unit I    Words in context: breokfost time Reoding:  o mogozine  orticle
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