Page 17 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 17

Lesson Two 6rommor

           Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot. Act.

           Reod ond teorn.

                                                                  Amy played  the violin.
             We hod c concert of our house.

             ALL our  friends  were there.

             Evergone  wos briLLiont.

             Mum ploged the piono.                                regu[orverbs-+ed
                                                                  tidg - tidied               be-wqs/were
             The oudience clopped ond cheered.
                                                                  clop - clopped              hove - hod
                                                                     inj:f:s.!f;;ieqd++fi;ari   ij,:  ii,/tr*+riEn@r.   ri+i+ni

        3 Reod ond circte.

                           lwos                                            zwere
           AmU ond Leo           Z@o fomilg        concert. The concert            /  wos of home in Austrolio.
           The chiLdren ond their porents      swere   /pLogedtheir     instruments. Evergone in the oudience

           a  tistened to /  wos the music ond  enjoged  hod it. It  wos  were a reallg speciol dog.
        4 write.
             hove enjog be (xa)  ptag (x2) ctop

           Yesterdog there    t_l  lq;_  o concert of school.

           Evergone in the oudience               programmes

           obout the concert.

           Kote ond Jomes     r            on stoge  first.

           Theg  r  *--_ _-   the recorder.
           Tom   5           next on stoge. He    s

           his trumpet.

           The oudience    7            ot the end. Theg oLL
                       the concert. It   *___****     fontostic!

         @C"ref"rc,6rqmooi,Time   Exercire ll]ot,poge,i  08 of Weltlogk,4.  Posf simple: hove, be ond regulor verbs  Unit 2  15
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