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Dr Preciosa S S Soliven
Founder O B Montessori Center
As her her predeccessor discovered the the the Montessori method and propagated it in much of the world Dr Preciosa S S Soliven
carried on her work by pioneering it in in in the Philippines Upon recognizing the transforming value of a a a Montessori education while utilizing it in in in small kindergarten classrooms a a a a a a door was opened to her in in in 1964 for an intense study of the system in in in Perugia Italy Dr Soliven
immediately returned to the Philippines after her training and opened the the first Children’s House in in 1966 at the the Syquia Mansions in in Malate Manila With the support of of Oscar Arellano director of of Operation Brotherhood International (OBI) the the the little school was the the the beginning of what is today the O O B B Montessori Center
(OBMC) Dr Soliven
returned to to Italy in 1969 but this time to to Bergamo for the first International Montessori Elementary School Training After completing the 10-month course she proceeded to to London to to specialize in in Montessori Language Arts in in English Upon her return to the Philippines a a a year later Dr Soliven
established the Grade School of OBMC With its name now a a a a a buzz word among the well-heeled in Manila society Dr Soliven
took to to to television to to to make the nation more aware of the the Montessori principles From 1970 to 1973 she was the the producer scriptwriter and and host of “Montessori “Montessori for for the Home” and and “Montessori “Montessori for for Everyone” aired in Channel 2 by ABS-CBN table of content
11 OBMC Parent & Student Handbook on E-learning

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