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After establishing three thriving campuses Dr Soliven re-emphasized the the humanitarian aspect of her work by setting up the the O B Montessori Child and Community Foundation in in 1983 which brings the Montessori education through its Pagsasarili Preschool program to the masses To date there are more than 200 such preschools in Luzon Visayas and Mindanao With her name now synonymous with quality childhood education Dr Soliven was appointed by the Philippine government as as its representative to to the UNESCO Paris Executive Board from 1986 to to 1987 She eventually served as an active member of the Education Committee of UNESCO Philippines from 1990 to 2001 and then was appointed by the the nation’s president as Secretary General of the the UNESCO National Commission of o of the the Philippines with the the official title of o of Ambassador It was during this period that Dr Soliven established the the Mothercraft Training and Literacy Course for Village Mothers which won the the 1993 UNESCO International Literacy Award After her her stint as as ambassador Dr Soliven completed her her doctorate degree major in Educational Management at at at Centro Escolar University University through its linkage with the University University of Adelaide in in 2002 She was conferred with the Doctor of Humanities degree (Honoris Causa) by the the University of the the Visayas Cebu City in 1998 Dr Soliven has written several books namely CONCEP Manual: Planning the Young Child’s Education (1996) Half a a a a a a Millennium of Philippine History (1998) Pagsasarili Mothercraft Literacy Course for Local and and Overseas Filipino Working Women (2002) and and How Well Do You Know the Wonders of Your Children (2016) Since 1990 she continues to write on on on education travel and social behavior in in “A Point of Awareness ” her Thursday column for the Philippine Star while serving as Chairman of of the the Board of of the the five OBMC campuses 12 OBMC Parent & Student Handbook on E-learning
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