Page 14 - Everyday Kitsap 2017
P. 14
Summer Cruisin’
New technology COUNT DOWN TO
in road construction
By now you’ve probably been
waved through construction areas Tips to get you driving in the right direction
by our friendly road crew. You may
notice a change to this process Is your car door side compartment stuffed with trash?
around Kitsap County this upcoming Use an easily emptied plastic cereal container for a litter bag. A
construction season. The County snap lid can keep liquids from spilling.
recently purchased two automated
flagger assistance devices (or AFAD) Schedule fun stops so you can get out and stretch
and will evaluate their performance Check out Kitsap County’s many hidden treasures on page 8 for
on certain projects this spring. “You’ll some ideas around Kitsap.
see them first on the Hansville Road
NE shoulder widening project in Tidy snacks
North Kitsap,” said Jacques Dean, Old containers are great snack holders for kids on road trips
Road Superintendent for Kitsap and they are reusable! It’s a win-win: reduces litter, and
County Public Works. The devices can promotes healthy choices.
be used one at a time or in tandem,
depending on the volume of vehicles, Don’t drip and drive
the posted speed, and the site Little drips have big consequences in our waterways. Stormwater 4
distance. The devices also allow one carries oil from paved roads, parking lots and driveways into our waterways. Before
flagger, rather than two, to control you head out on the road, check your car for oil leaks. It’s free at www.
traffic through work zones. This can
free up a road crew staff member Working at the car wash
to assist in other ways that could There’s nothing like a clean car to start your journey. Runoff
potentially reduce the time road from washing your car at home goes straight into the nearest
work takes. storm drain. Wash your car over grass — good option! Wash
Dean said, “Using an automated your car at a commercial car wash — best option! Visit
device increases safety and helps kcvehiclewash.
motorists see the work zone more
clearly.” As a reminder, motorists Pack it right
should always use extra caution while You don’t want to lose your backpack, picnic lunch, or kayak from your car’s roof. 6
driving near or through work areas. Before you hit the road, make sure your load is secure. Remember — it’s the law!
You can find a list of current and
upcoming road Traveling with Fluffy? 7
work at Don’t forget the mutt mitts! Dogs in Kitsap County drop more
roadslist. than 11 tons of waste each day — and it doesn’t just go away.
Bag it and trash it.
an animation of how they work. Go to 8
Follow the flashing yellow arrow
Kitsap County has new flashing yellow left-turn signals. Watch
Roads of summer
Summer construction season is upon us. Remember to slow down through 9
construction zones, stay alert and plan ahead. Check out what’s happening before you
hit the road by subscribing to the Road Report at
pg 14 | Spring 2017 |