Page 15 - Everyday Kitsap 2017
P. 15
Summer Cruisin’
Tips to get you driving in the right direction
2 3
Earth Day Awards
Regular Kitsap County Residents Doing Their Part
4 Watch April’s Inside Report at to learn more about these award winners.
1 ADOPT-A-ROAD Carlson, they reduced their garbage by 4 CLEAN KITSAP
In the past three years the parents, one-third! The Corrections Department of
staff, and volunteers of the Kitsap Check out Waste Wise @ Work at the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office
Christian Adventist School have kcwwaw manages the inmate litter crew. Project
removed over 1,000 pounds of litter Coordinators Wayne Chase and Chris
from two miles of roadway near 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Lacombe improved this existing program
their school in the Chico community. French teacher Susan Knell is the guru and cleaned up 3,473 miles of roadway
Principal Becky Rae said they enjoy of waste reduction and recycling at and removed 460 illegal dumpsites
helping keep their community clean, Bainbridge Island School District’s from county roads and other public
and getting to know their neighbors. Woodward Middle School. Susan properties. Recycling Coordinator Chris
Check out “Adopt Me” on page 11. spends her lunchtime teaching Piercy thinks they do an amazing job
students new recycling behaviors. keeping Kitsap clean. All of us need to
2 WASTE WISE @ WORK She continually impresses District do our part and make sure garbage ends
George Heitman, the Facilities Assistant Superintendent Erin Murphy up where it belongs – in the garbage
Supervisor at CRISTA Camps Miracle by her passion and dedication to can.
Ranch, coordinated logistics and environmental sustainability. To report illegal dumping online at bit.
provided education to implement For classroom lessons, support for ly/kcreprt or call Kitsap1: 360.337.5777.
recycling in a large venue that hosts an environmental projects, or field trips at
average of 216 new campers per week. no charge, check out
According to Operations Director Shane | Spring 2017 | pg 15