Page 13 - Everyday Kitsap 2018
P. 13
Road of Dreams
Improving roads with your help
ant to give your local funding assessments. The few projects These taxes have remained relatively
government a piece that pass round two (the toughest static over time, while the costs of
of your mind? Solve challenge of all) move to the final construction have increased. As a result,
Wtough transportation round: scrutiny by the Board of County there will be no official call for new
challenges? Here’s your chance! Commissioners at a public hearing. projects this year, however we will be
visiting community Citizen Advisory
Every year, we invite you to submit ideas Only six to eight projects per year (out Committees (CAC) this summer. All
for transportation projects—anything of nearly 80) get the honor of joining the projects that have been previously
from intersection improvements to new Transportation Improvement Program submitted will remain in the program
bike paths. We add these ideas to our (TIP) construction plan. Project ideas this year.
list of candidate projects. Since we from the community typically fare
can’t construct them all, we must well; nearly 25% of the projects on the We’re always looking for creative local,
CHEMICAL SPILL test each in a transportation “feats of current plan were submitted by citizens For example, we recently applied for
state, and federal funding sources.
like you. This plan covers the next six
strength” challenge.
It begins with an individual test, where years of work, but it isn’t set in stone. Safe Routes to School funding to add
sidewalks and bike lanes along Central
We adjust it every year as funding
each candidate project is objectively changes and new priorities emerge. Valley Road. The project will serve
scored within 21 different categories. students from four schools and provide
The categories measure things like: Candidate projects are facing non-motorized travel options.
How well does the project preserve an increasingly difficult challenges as
existing road or bridge? Add capacity? project funding becomes less reliable. Want to submit your great
Improve safety? Improve fish passage? Only five new projects made it to the transportation project idea to our
Add non-motorized transport? TIP plan in 2017 and five other projects transportation feats of strength
were removed. Funding for these challenge? Attend your local CAC
We tally the scores and the top 50% projects comes mainly from the gas meetings, or give us a call at Kitsap1:
advance to round two: the cost and tax and a portion of the property tax. 360.337.5777 to discuss. | Spring 2018 | pg 13