Page 14 - Everyday Kitsap 2018
P. 14
Ask the Experts
You asked, we answered!
I just bought a new computer. I live near the Silverdale Way My kitchen sink is draining slowly.
What do I do with the old one? Road Widening project and Do I need to call a plumber?
wondered who pays for projects
You can drop it off for free like these? If something is blocking your drain,
at E-Cycle Washington locations you may be able to fix it yourself with
throughout the county. If you want to Funding for County roads projects a plunger or by snaking the drain with
know What Do I Do With It? for any comes from two sources—the road levy a cable auger before calling a plumber.
other items you need to recycle or portion of your property tax, and the Prevent future problems by using sink
dispose of, go to State’s motor vehicle fuel tax. The Road strainers to catch debris. Keep drains
If you can’t find it, give us a call – we Levy is a part of the property tax based clean with natural products such as
can help! on the assessed value baking soda and vinegar.
of your property. About
8 cents of each dollar
you pay in property tax
goes towards County
roads operations and
Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxes
are paid when you buy
gas. The State collects
the fuel tax and gives
us a percentage based How do heavy rains affect our
on roadway miles and sewer systems? Can rain cause an
My grass clippings and yard waste population. We receive approximately overflow?
are natural! Why can’t I put them $5.5 million annually and use these
funds to pay for construction projects
in the ditch? on the County road system. Heavy rains can cause rainwater to
get into sewer pipes and increase
Yard waste in the wrong place causes Learn more about roads funding at flows to the sewage treatment
trouble. When it gets into drainage plant. This is especially true where
ditches, it can cause flooding before it sewer and stormwater systems are
has time to decay. The rain also washes combined. Kitsap County has a separate
nutrients from decaying yard waste stormwater system, but rainwater
into our waterways. Too many nutrients can still leach into aging pipes. Crews
lead to harmful algae blooms that close monitor how much rain is getting into
beaches and shellfish harvests. those pipes during the rainy season.
Put branches, grass, and leaves in your You can do things at home to prevent
curbside compost cart instead. Most overflows, too. Disconnect your
homes can get this cart from their waste downspouts to keep excess rainwater
hauler. This keeps your yard and nearby from entering the sewer line.
ditches safe and tidy. You also get to Occasionally have a professional
support local businesses that make inspect your line for cracks, leaks, and
compost! Win-win! tree roots.
pg 14 | Spring 2018 |