Page 3 - Everyday Kitsap 2018
P. 3

Easy Greasy

        Disposal tips and recycling options for fats, oils, and grease

           f you prepare food at home with   Avoid putting FOG in the garbage     grease at a Kitsap County’s recycling and
           your health in mind, you might    disposal as well. It will grind up foods,   garbage facility or transfer station, at
           avoid cooking many fried foods. It’s   but greasy particles can still cling    no cost. For directions and hours, visit
       Icommon knowledge that too much       to pipes.                  
        fried food can lead to weight gain and
        clogged arteries. But the clogs don’t   CAN THE GREASE KITS
        stop there. Improper disposal of used   Kitsap County Public Works is asking   ILLUMINATING THE FOG
        cooking oil can cause clogged pipes,   residents to “Can the Grease” to help   When you think of fats, oils, and
        sewer backups or septic system failures.   keep FOG out of sewers. Free kits are
        Don’t pour it down the drain!        available to sewer customers while     grease in the kitchen, fried foods
                                             supplies last. Kits include:           may come to mind. But there are
        When poured down a drain, fats,       •   Reusable lid that fits most       other sources of FOG that may
        oils, and grease (FOG) can clog pipes     standard-size food cans           surprise you:
        on your property or in the sewer
        system. Homeowners are responsible    •   Scraper to transfer grease         Dairy products
        for the cost of repairing the line on     to the can                         Gravy
        their own property, or even worse,    •   Instructions for proper
        cleanup and repair if there is a backup   disposal of grease                 Mayonnaise
        into the home. According to the U.S.   •   Options for recycling cooking oil    Salad dressing
        Environmental Protection Agency,
 Get Social  approximately 65 percent of sewer   To request your free kit, call Kitsap1    Frosting

        spills are FOG-related. The majority are
                                             at 360.337.5777 (have your mailing
        in residential areas.
                                             address and Kitsap County Sewer Utility
                                                                                     Lard and shortening
        When disposing of these items, use   account number ready)                   Butter and margarine
        the trash can, not the drain. FOG can   USED COOKING OIL RECYCLING
        be removed from plastic tubs with a   Keep FOG out of our sewers and our
        spatula or paper towel before recycling   landfills! Used cooking oil is collected
        the container. Hot water and soap may   and refined to make biodiesel, a clean
        wash FOG down the drain, but it will   alternative to petroleum fuel. Residents
        eventually cool and solidify in pipes,   may recycle fats, used cooking oils, and
        where it can cause clogs and
        sewage backups.

                                                                                              | Spring 2018 | pg  3
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