Page 7 - Everyday Kitsap 2018
P. 7


        Tiny Tips

        Smart fixes for everyday challenges

                                               Insect Yourself
                                               Hire yourself some of nature’s
                                               fiercest protectors and save some
                                               money on yard chemicals. Praying
                                               mantises and ladybugs can eat their
                                               weight in pests every day, and are
                                               fun to watch in your yard. Where do
                                               you get them? Check with your local
                                               hardware stores.
                                                                                  Go Slow
                                               Drive Smarter                      To get the most out of your gas tank,
                                               At low speeds, you can open a      the best tip is the simplest: slow down.
                                               window to stay cool. But at highway   For every mile-per-hour that you drive
                                               speeds, modern cars are actually   above 55, a vehicle loses about one
                                               more fuel efficient with the air   percent in fuel economy. Driving 75
                                               conditioning on than with the      instead of 65 lowers your car’s fuel
                                               windows down.                      economy by 10%!

          School’s Out for

          If your college student wants to
          broaden their horizons and their
          future job prospects beyond fast
          food, try the Summer Employment
          Program. Students make a
          competitive wage in a variety of
          positions from surveying to road
          maintenance to outreach and          Rinse Cycle
          education. Your student can earn     Cleaning your jars for recycling is a cinch. Add stubborn rinse-resisters like peanut
          money, build their resume and get    butter jars to your next dishwasher load (be sure to remove the labels first!). Save
          their foot in the door for careers in   water and the hassle of scrubbing them out before you toss them in the
          Public Works!                        recycling cart.

          Learn more at
                                              What’s Hair Got to

                                              Do With It?
                                              Hair that gets washed down your
                                              bathroom sink drain can cause costly
                                              clogs to your plumbing system. Brush
                                              your hair over the counter rather than
                                              over the sink, and sweep it right into the
                                              trash can when you’re done!

                                                                                              | Spring 2018 | pg  7
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