Page 25 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2013 Edition
P. 25
Turmoil At UN Climate Talks7 Turmoil at UN climate talks on who's to blame for global warming The Associated Press Nov 20 2013 - WARSAW, Poland -- Rich and poor nations are struggling with a yawning rift at the U.N. climate talks as developing countries look for new ways to make developed countries accept responsibility for global warming -- and pay for it. With two days left, there was commotion in the Warsaw talks Wednesday after negotiators for developing nations said they walked out of a late-night meeting on compensation for the impact of global warming. A woman in a green dress symbolizing ecology and a man in a coal miner's uniform play a wedding to show that both can coexist during a Solidarity trade unionists protest in front of the National Stadium hosting the UN Climate Change "We do not see a clear commitment of Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz) developed parties to reach an agreement," said Rene Orellana, head of Bolivia's delegation. emissions of developing countries will exceed "loss and damage" is related to climate U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern those of the developed world, due to emissions adaptation and doesn't need to be dealt with as a downplayed the dispute, saying American growth in large emerging economies like China separate issue. It was those talks that developing negotiators who had attended the meeting were and India. countries said they walked out of early surprised to hear of a walk-out. Those countries are trying to develop in Wednesday. "The meeting ended with everyone a cleaner way but say it's unfair to expect them The government of Poland, which has leaving," Stern told reporters. to abstain from the dirty fuels that built Western been criticized at the talks for hosting a coal Contrasting views on what's been said economies into powerhouses with high living summit at the same time, stirred things up and done in closed discussions is not unusual in standards. further Wednesday by replacing Environment the slow-moving U.N. effort to curb global Finding a way to share the burden of Minister Marcin Korolec, who is presiding over warming, which has often been held back by emissions cuts in an equitable manner is one of the climate conference. Korolec told reporters mistrust between rich and poor countries. The the top challenges for the climate negotiators, the move would not affect his duties as talks in Warsaw on a new global climate deal in whose overall goal is to keep warming below 2 conference president.[] 2015 have been going on since Nov. 11. degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees F) since The question of who's to blame for preindustrial times. JFK ASSASSINATION global warming is central for developing Scientists say the global average TRIVIA countries, who say they should receive financial temperature has already risen by 0.8 C (1.4 F), support from rich nations to make their resulting in melting glaciers, rising sea levels * “We have not been told the truth about economies greener, adapt to climate shifts and and other climate impacts. Oswald.” —Hale Boggs, Warren Commission cover the costs of unavoidable damage caused The point of measuring the member by warming temperatures. responsibility for these climate changes is to Also, they say the fact that rich nations, establish benchmarks to measure against when * At the conclusion of JFK’s autopsy at historically speaking, have released the biggest countries present their national emissions Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, the amounts of heat-trapping CO2 by burning fossil proposals for the new global agreement, presiding surgeon destroyed his notes as well fuels for more than 200 years means they need explained Alden Meyer of the Union of as the first draft of the autopsy report. to take the lead in reducing current emissions. Concerned Scientists, a non-profit advocacy In Warsaw, developing nations are group. * An armed Ruby attended a midnight press coming up with fresh ways to make their point. "How do you evaluate the proposals conference at Dallas Police Headquarters on Brazil has proposed creating a formula to against each other? If, as I assume, we fall short, November 23, 1963. calculate historical blame. who needs to do more and why?" Meyer said. "They must know how much they are The Warsaw conference is supposed to * On the day of the assassination, Governor actually responsible ... for the essential problem lay the foundation for a 2015 climate Connally’s jacket was sent to the dry cleaners, of climate change," Brazilian negotiator agreement, but it was unclear Wednesday completely destroying its value as evidence. Raphael Azeredo said. whether countries would be able to agree on Developed nations blocked that basic stepping stones, including a timeline for * The publisher of Life magazine bought the proposal, however, saying the world should when commitments should be presented. Zapruder film and promptly locked the film look at current and future emissions when Climate finance is also divisive issue, away from the public’s view. A copy of the dividing up the responsibility for global with rich countries being urged to step up their film wasn’t aired nationally until 1975. warming. financial support to help developing countries China, considered a developing nation at transfer to clean energy sources and adapt to * The so-called “magic bullet,” the hero of the these talks, overtook the U.S. to become the climate change. “single-bullet theory,” was found lying on a world's biggest carbon polluter in the last A key dispute in Warsaw revolves stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital. decade, and developing countries as a whole around a proposed "loss and damage" now have higher emissions than the developed mechanism that developing countries say is * Fellow Marines gave Oswald the nickname world. needed to help them cope with climate disasters “SHITBIRD” since he was a terrible shot and To focus only on past emissions "seems that cannot be avoided. couldn’t qualify with his rifle. to us as very partial and not very accurate," They have pointed to the devastation Stern, the U.S. envoy, said. caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. * In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed The U.S. wants to get rid of the U.N.'s Single storms cannot be conclusively linked to Executive Order No. 11652, which stipulated current division between developed and climate change but rising sea levels can make that assassination evidence be locked up in the developing nations. Stern noted that a 2007 them more destructive. National Archives until the year 2039. study showed that by 2020, the all-time The U.S. and other rich countries say
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