Page 12 - The 'X' Zone Radio Show Guest Comments
P. 12
HOWARD BLOOM - Core Faculty Member, The Graduate Center, author
of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History
and Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the
21st Century
Rob McConnell is a true find--a man of intelligence and openness of mind, one of those
rare individuals who is at home with a scientists as he is with those who believe in the
supernatural. To anyone considering an appearance on his show, I say by all means give
yourself the privilege. And to those able to listen, do. McConnell will take you on
voyages which show you new ways to understand what counts the most--you." Howard
Bloom, author of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of
History and of Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From the Big Bang to the 21st
Century. Rob McConnell is a pleasure. I've done seven interviews on the X-Zone, and
each one has forged a friendship--a friendship with Rob. That kind of rapport is rare,
special, and to be cherished. -
RICK BORGIA - Musician, Composer & Psychic Painter
Rob McConnell Has A "Handsome", "Good Looking" , "Honest And Wise" ---Voice!
The qualities in that voice say; "Go's your with it...yeah...go! ..go!".
It is a wonder that Rob is able to do this show each night, with the stellar array of
distinguished guests that he connects with SO WELL on their level! His accumulated
good vibes are visible over the air! For me the experience was like a jam session....with
Rob putting down the Rhythm section for my solo! During the course of the hour, yes, I
made some questionable 'musical' statements,...all in the spirit of THE MOMENT! It
WAS A TOTAL BLAST! (for my virgin radio interview experience I must admit Rob
was gentle and understanding. and now I know so much better how to do this very
important activity called "Communicate Clearly".)
CORI BRACKETT - Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World
It was great talking with Rob tonight. He is an excellent, informed host. I found myself in
the midst of a lively discussion.
DARYL BREESE - Knights of Columbus
Being in the X-Zone was easily my best radio talk show experience. Rob is a talented,
sincere, gregarious interviewer. As you can imagine, having three pending truths in front
of the Holy Father is quite remarkable and requires detailed explanation to the many
questions people have. Naming the Beast, Antichrist and the Unity of Jews/Christians has
generated a Papal "warning" between his hospital stays - that is how important our days
are.......thank you Rob! Being able to tie the CW of Theoretical Physics 11 dimensional
"M" Theory with seven heavens and our four dimensions is at the forefront of the