Page 8 - The 'X' Zone Radio Show Guest Comments
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Shows such as the 'X' Zone radio show are of vital importance in keeping the public
informed, and hosts such as Rob add to the credibility when "searching for the truth. and
BETSY BALEGA - Clairvoyant / Author
People around the world have asked me, "How did you get started as a guest on radio
shows?" My reply is consistently the same, "Rob McConnell is responsible for starting
my media appearances. In fact, Rob is responsible for kick starting my career into high
gear." Then I take them back to September 4, 2004, when I debuted on The "X" Zone. In
fact, I have a cd of that show right here beside me. I keep it close and within eye sight to
always remind me where, how and with whom I began. The number of listeners that
night years ago, is not important. What is amazing that Rob and I kept talking for 2 hours
straight, with just a few commercial breaks. There is no dead air with Rob. Chi flows. Kei
flows. Energy flows. When you work with Rob McConnell ideas flow, the show flows
and before you know it hours have flown. One of the best benefits of working with Rob
McConnell is his quick wit and humour. He takes the nervous out of what I call "GA"
Guest Anxiety. It doesn't exist in The 'X' Zone Nation; a worry free zone for authors,
investigators, UFOlogists, psychics, mediums, healers and all citizens of the 'X' Zone
Nation who tune in to hear all sides of a story. Rob is consistently at the forefront of
breaking paranormal news around the world. If it's happening on any of the 7 continents
you'll hear about it with Rob McConnell as fast as it happens.
DR. RAYMOND BARNETT - Author: Relax You're Already Home:
Everyday Taoist Habits for a Richer Life
Spooky. I mentioned how the Folk Taoist approach to health and happiness includes
celebrating our "guides" to exuberant living, such as Elvis--and the next break, we have
my all-time favourite Elvis song (Kentucky Rain) leading back into the interview! Then
when I mention the Folk Taoist view that life is precious and the good as well as the
tough aspects should be accepted and savoured--next break, we have Louie Armstrong
singing "What a Wonderful World," my second favourite recording of a great song
(Izzy's recording edges the Satchmo out on this one). Which is to say, Rob McConnell
listens, responds, and in a whole bunch of ways understands and exemplifies the Folk
Taoist approach to life illustrated in my "Relax, You're Already Home: Everyday Taoist
Habits for a Richer Life." Spooky. Theme music from Twilight Zone in the background.
McConnell in his shades emerges from the shadows. A sardonic grin cracks his furrowed
face. Here's to a great show.