Page 30 - 200802 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2008
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30 The Known Universe The Known Universe 30 The Known Universe The Known Universe Continued from Page 29 Continued from Page 29 They believed that this Planet of the Crossing" was a rogue brown dwarf body theoretically roaming the Sun's solar system and returning time and time again (about every 3,600-4,00 years) to terrorize planet Earth and her inhabitants. Fast-forwarding from the past: Gradually as telescopes of greater lens size/resolution/magnitude were developed, we discovered the vast islands of light called galaxies. All around the galaxies is a cool sea of microwaves-the echoing 'big bang.' Time, space and dark matter all appear to have their origins in this one explosive event from which the present-day universe has emerged-still in a state of overall expansion-yet slowly cooling and continuously rarifying until one day-it may all collapse back into itself or be swallowed up by a monster-sized 'black hole.' The known universe as we believe it was constructed is a study into the infinite possibilities of space. In the very beginning the universe was an inferno of radiation, way too hot for any atoms to survive. In the first million years it cooled enough for the nuclei of the very lightest elements to form. Only millions of years later would the cosmos be cool enough for whole atoms to appear. This was soon followed by scientific experts in the fields of astronomy, length used in interstellar astronomy equal to simple molecules and, after more billions of astrophysics and science-secretly concluded the total distance light travels in one year (in a years, the complex sequence of events that saw that there is probably a minimum potential of vacuo) at the rate of 186,300 miles per second the condensation of material forming glittering between 40-50 million intelligence-based or approximately six trillion stars that created a billion swirling islands of extraterrestrial civilizations lying scattered (6,000,000,000,000) miles. A star that's located great stars into their respective galaxies of light across the vast Milky Way-our local galactic several thousand light-years away from Earth is strewn across the visible horizon throughout system estimated to be 150,000 light-years only visible by the arrival of its light source infinity. across at its expansive core center. which was radiated long, long before the advent Then, after more billions of years with One of the major conclusions they of any form or discipline of planetary history the appearance of stable environments, reached was that there is ever-increasing was known or recorded about our solar system mysterious processes we still do not completely evidence that some of these outer space by primitive humankind (a relative time period understand nurtured the complicated products civilizations may be presently visiting the earth, believed to be less than 15,000 years). of biochemistry. But how and why did this and in some cases carrying out sophisticated So let's take a fascinating journey into elaborate sequence of events begin? And what research and telepathic communications with the boundless wonders of the heavens suspected do modern-day cosmologists have to tell us earthian inhabitants-just as they have done in of containing an inestimable number of billions, about the origin of the Milky Way-only one of the near and distant past. This conclusion and perhaps jillions of celestial objects. And in 100 million galaxies charted to date? its relevant connection to Planet-X (with its whatever direction we gaze into deep space, we Answers to these seminal questions attendant Sumerian cosmology mentioned detect galaxies, clusters of galaxies, super- helps us unravel the mystical reality of Planet-X earlier)-is carefully explored in the full book clusters and local superclusters comprising so let's begin at the beginning by asking the version of our early research Manual which was gigantic star groups-with all of them moving classic question: As human beings are we truly eventually rewritten becoming-The Return Of away from us across an elliptical plane. all alone out here locked into the solar system Planet-X. Towards the observable horizon we see and Milky Way spinning through space into this However, in order to more fully quasars-quasi-stellar objects-notwithstanding vast universe? comprehend the implications of our 'ET- the uniform glow of radiation from the 'big Hypothesis' and the search for bang.' On the largest scale the universe looks - OUR STAR TREK - OUR STAR TREK conscious/intelligent life on other worlds, we the same in every direction. Quasars, the most ADVENTURE CONTINUES must first understand and then explore the distant celestial objects yet observed, are among ADVENTURE CONTINUES the most curious and the most energetic. Each WITH PART TWO - unknown vastness of the universe. Consider for of the brightest quasars emits the combined WITH PART TWO - a moment the mind-boggling statistics comprising the scope and apparent construction energy of hundreds of galaxies-yet flow from an More than four decades ago, during the of the cosmos early into the 21st century-as we energy volume far smaller than that of our local month of November 1961, an unofficial TOP- now understand it Milky Way. SECRET meeting was held by many leading One of the ways modern-day government sponsored scientists/researchers. astronomers approach the study of the heavens This unprecedented technical and scientific is in terms of measuring (in light-year Continued on Page 32 Continued on Page 32 conclave was convened at the National Radio numbers), the relative distances between Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West planets, suns and their star system's parent Virginia. It was designed to estimate the galaxy control points. This is accomplished by Listen to and Watch number of available planets in our galaxy, using this light-year measurement-based which might contain the necessary calculation as applied to the highly theoretical The ‘X’ Zone components/potential life zones, to host and speed of light authored by Dr. Albert Einstein. LIVE maintain sentient intelligent life. These leading A light-year is the calibrated unit of
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