Page 35 - 200802 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2008
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The Known Universe 35 35 The Known Universe The Known Universe commentaries… design of bigger and better telescopes. The The Known Universe unaccounted-for mathematical irregularities in Continued from Page 34 Continued from Page 34 - PLANET-X's 2008 TIMELINE the orbits of the outer planets have prompted According to the American Heritage OF BACKGROUND SCIENCE astronomers to speculate upon the existence of a further, yet undiscovered planet. These Dictionary, the meaning of the word time (as a AND RESEARCH - astronomers are so certain of this other planet's noun) is defined as: "a non-spatial continuum in existence that they have already named it which events occur in apparently irreversible About 4.5 to five billion years ago a 'Planet-X -the 12th Planet.' success-sion from the past-to the-present-to the- catastrophic collision occurred within our solar "Recent calculations by the United future." Next, the meaning of the word 'line' system as a giant asteroid smashed head-on into States Naval Observatory have confirmed the (for practical purposes here), is defined in one of the 12 original planets the ancient orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and geometry as: "a set of points (x,y) that satisfy Sumerians called Marduk. Most of its debris Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, the linear equation (ax+by+c=0), where a and b field became our asteroid belt with a larger an astronomer at the Naval Observatory, says are not both zero." In other words, more simply piece also striking the smaller Jupiter-sized could be explained by a "single undiscovered stated-a line could be described as being a form brown dwarf companion star to our sun. This planet." He and a trusted colleague, Dr. of linear measurement or a (set) continuous event began "its" legendary odyssey as Planet-X Richard Harrington, calculate this 12th Planet straight mark-cast in a one-dimension -knocked out of the solar system traveling its (quite possibly Marduk?) should be two to five perspective. bizarre elliptical orbit deep into space-then back times more massive than the earth and have a Example: ||| begin a line - [------- a again-returning each time causing periodic solar highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5-billion timeline -------] - end a line ||| system upheavals and devastating Earth miles beyond that of Pluto. Now, let us combine these two words changes. "In 1982, NASA themselves officially into one ---thus producing a new word in the Ancient 6,000-year-old Sumerian recognized the possibility of a Planet-X, with an English language-timeline. Now we may define pictographs and arcane documents reveal that announcement later on -that some sort of our new word timeline as: our solar system had at least one more planet- mystery object is really there -far beyond the A non-spatial continuum - i.e., BCE = [- The Planet of the Crossing, Planet-X. You see, outer-most solar system planets. And then one ------ a timeline to -------] = AD "X" is unique in that we believe it maintains a year later, the newly launched IRAS (infrared A timeline occurs in which 'events' most unusual cosmic orbit around our Sun-an Astronomical Satellite) spotted a large happen in apparently irreversible succession exaggerated ellipse taking it approximately mysterious object in the depths of space. The moving from the past - to the present - to the 3,600-4,000 years to complete its long- Washington Post summarized an interview with future creating an unbroken linear measurement predicted orbital return ripping through the solar the chief IRAS scientist from the JPL labs in or straight line of events from some unknown system. (Note: Many Internet websites suggest Pasadena, California, quoting him as follows: point in the past-BCE---through the present--- that Planet-X be referred to as Planet Nibiru.) "A heavenly body possibly as large as AD -to some unknown point in the future. Let During this brown-dwarf's apogee the giant planet Jupiter, and possibly so close to us hypothecate our Planet-X timeline BCE [---- (furthest phase of its fixed orbit), its distance is Earth that it would be part of this solar system, -to-----] AD enigma as exampled by the demise so great from Earth that "X's" natural reflected has been found in the direction of the of Atlantis in 12,500 BCE [jumping] 14,508 sunlight can't be detected-not even by the giant constellation Orion by an orbiting Earth years to present-day 2008. Hubble Space Telescope, one of NASA's most telescope… All I can say is that we don't know Many eastern and middle-eastern powerful satellite-based eyes-in-space orbiting what it is!"…stated Gerry Neugebauer, Chief philosophies profess a belief system that Earth. IRAS scientist. hypothecates that time is the 'mind of space' - "The 6,000 year old Sumerian and that - space is the 'body of time.' The axiom - Citing the New York Times: 9 June descriptions of our solar system include one of time itself allows us to establish when an 1982 - more planet they called "Marduk," which means 'event' occurs in relation to other 'events' and its "Planet of the Crossing." And the description of measurement involves the establishment of the this planet by the Sumerians matches precisely timeline scale to which these 'events' may then "Something out there beyond the farthest the specifications of Planet-X, which is be 'referred to' or 'pinpointed against.' Earth's reaches of the known solar system seems to be currently being sought by astronomers in the timeline of existence is believed to be 4.5 - 6 tugging at Uranus and Neptune, some depths of our own solar system. Why has Planet billion (timeline) years in duration. gravitational force keeps perturbing these two X not been seen in recent times? Views from The concept of timelines plays a curious giant planets, causing irregularities in their modern and ancient astronomy, which both role in the reality of people's lives here on planet orbits. The force suggests a presence far suggest a highly elliptical, comet-like orbit - Earth -since it is also 'scientifically' away/unseen, a large object that may be the takes Planet-X into the depths of space well hypothecated that the measurement of time and long-sought Planet-X. The last time a serious beyond the orbit of Pluto.We discovered Pluto timelines may be an exclusive component for all search of the skies was made led to the with our telescopes just recently in 1930. that is 'earthian in nature' and therefore-that discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. time and timelines do not actually exist or apply "But the story begins more than a Continued on Page 36 'in the vacuo of space' once we leave the century before that, after the discovery of 'physical environment' of mother Earth. Time Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and and Timelines exist on Earth based upon our musician William Herschel. Until then, the People in Titusville, Orlando and solar system's specific rules of rotation. planetary system seemed to end with Saturn. Mims, Florida If the axiom of Earthian timelines is Today, scientists accept theories concerning true-they become the essential ingredients of plate tectonics. There are articles and studies Listen to The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show measure against which all other measurements showing that, at one time, all of the Earth's The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show are calculated-everything from the beating of continents were on one side of the planet. What with Rob McConnell with Rob McConnell human hearts to the felling of great empires and the stories don't explore is the question: If all on governments; to the growth of children or the continents were on one side, what happened alkStar 840 AM economies and the deaths of disease epidemics; to the other side? The other side has been T TalkStar 840 AM to the decline of the human spirit and the described as being a tremendous gap, matching morality content of our 21st century societies; the Sumerian story of how the Earth came and, quite possibly, the very end of our present- about. The Sumerians said Earth was really day humanity if Wormwood (Planet-X) only half a planet called Tiamat, which broke up maintains its deadly rendezvous date with Earth in a collision with Marduk. (See Section Two in 2009 and again in 2012. Let us now begin to following for details.) connect the Planet-X dots based upon history "The discovery of new planets has, in the and present-day media reports and last two hundred years, owed more to the science of mathematics than it does to the
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