Page 36 - 200802 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2008
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36 The Unknown Universe 36 The Unknown Universe The Known Universe Planet-X. It is ironic that this very same year, and continued life on this world is affected The Known Universe 1915, two faint images of Pluto were first every day by what happens to and around us as Continued from Page 35 recorded at the Lowell Observatory, although a local and global community. Hopefully our Continued from Page 35 they were never recognized as such until after book, The Return Of Planet-X, offers our Is it not possible that there are other forces at the official discovery of Pluto was first readers a second chance to understand this work in our solar system besides the nine published in 1930. "Larger Cosmic Picture" of life and existence planets we know? Yes! The Sumerian - END- here on spaceship Earth, our home planet in the descriptions of our Solar System are being Milky Way galaxy. confirmed with modern advances in science. Racing ahead to modern-day times, we Planet-X is admittedly a volatile / This article demonstrates actual diagrams from find that the subject of Planet-X fills the global argumentative / controversial and in many Sumerian times and how their accuracy for Internet with thousands of websites, blogs, cases-a politically / socially and religiously describing the known planets in ancient times is scientific inquiries and a never-ending supply of charged subject. By keeping an open mind, overwhelming proof that the extraterrestrial theories, hypothetical conclusions, newspaper / heart and spirit-your vested interest level will hypothesis was at work for the ancient magazine articles and books like ours, versus provide rich rewards both surprising and Sumerians and many other cultures of their the persistent claims by the government, NASA plentiful to all seekers of the 'truth.' time!" (END -- New York Times Article.) and a host of credible scientific sources all We should also point out that the stating that the entire Planet-X dogma / mystery Internet offers a rich array of websites / blogs / - A RESEARCH TIMELINE / cryptogram / astrological puzzle is blatantly / commentary and research (both professional REGARDING THE HUNT FOR absolutely ridiculous and therefore beyond their and non-) covering the subject of Planet-X PLANET-X - accepted scope of official scientific inquiry or /Nibiru / Wormwood and a host of related consideration. material on topic. We encourage you to seek We should also mention that as each other ideas / viewpoints and opinions on Planet- Quoting an undisclosed source of Planet- new day passes by racing towards 2009 and X-thus rounding out your understanding of the X information sent to us anonymously: 2012-brand new sources of scientific evidence / facts and non-facts in your discovery. statements / astronomical inquiry and In the December 2007 and January 2008 In 1841, John Couch Adams began commentary continues to surface globally-thus issues of the 'X' Chronicles, we presented Parts investigating the, by then, quite large residuals refueling this ageless argument which now One and Two in the "Prelude To Our 2012 in the motion of Uranus, and in 1845 Urban Le includes the added element of a UFO/ET related Planet-X Countdown." And we highly Verrier also started investigating them. Adams connection. And somewhere in between the recommend that you visit the 'X' Chronicles presented two totally different solutions to the official government's line of denial and their archives to review this timely and important Planet-X problem, assuming that the deviations organized cover-up of the Planet-X facts as we information updates. were caused by powerful electromagnetic fields believe them to be-lies the true reality of "what We thank you, one and all, for your created by the gravitational waves from an is" and "what isn't." - Just like in the "X" Files, valued time/interest/commitment and wish you unknown planet. the truth is out there… and yours well on your reading adventure with September 30, 1846 -One week after the In conclusion-should Planet-X prove to The Return of Planet-X. We encourage and discovery of Neptune, LeVerrier declared that be a solid/viable reality-we believe that no other appreciate your loyal support by passing on there might still be another unknown / 'news story' could ever be 'bigger' or more word of our book's message whenever possible. undiscovered planet out there. Then on October 'important.' Future generations in all countries And remember dear readers-tempus fugit… 10, Neptune's large moon, Triton, was and from all walks of life would forever be Make every week, day, moment and breath discovered, which yielded an easy way to affected-once again creating a new planetary count-that's all we have. accurately determine the mass of Neptune, reality system (post 2012), where the global As the famous futurist and psychic, which turned out to be 2% larger than expected playing field has drastically been leveled once Kreskin, once said: "Everyone (it seems) is from the perturbations upon Uranus. again-a place where everybody would begin fascinated by the future, because that is where Another attempt to find a trans- anew as young 'children.' we'll spend the rest of our lives." Neptunian planet was done in 1877 by David U.S. naturalist and author Henry David Todd. He used a "graphic method," and despite Thoreau once said: "The cost of a thing is the We suggest visiting our exciting new the inconclusiveness of the residuals of Uranus, amount of what I call life, which is required to website at for he derived elements for a trans-Neptunian be exchanged for it immediately or in the long interesting and challenging details about Planet- planet: mean distance 52 a.u., 375 years, run." He also stated that: "If one advances X and how to obtain a copy of our hit book in magnitude fainter than 13. confidently in the direction of his dreams, and both paperback and e-book version. Our third In 1879, Camille Flammaion added yet endeavors to live the life which he has printing is now in distribution to bookstores and another mysterious hint as to the existence of a imagined, he will meet with success unexpected planet beyond Neptune: The aphelia of periodic in common hours." comets tend to cluster around the orbits of We'd like to add a few words of wisdom Our 800 ordering number is: major planets. Planet Jupiter has the greatest on our own here to Thoreau's: "Life itself is a share of such comets and Saturn, Uranus and great canvas -so throw all the paint on it you 1-800-247-6553 Neptune also have a few each. can!" If life existing here on Earth is as unique 1-800-247-6553 Percival Lowell, most well known as a as it appears to be in the cosmos, we must surely proponent for canals on Mars, built a private realize the limitless gifts we've been given. or observatory in Flagstaff, AZ. Lowell called his Every day of our lives is a precious commodity- hypothetical planet, "X," (possibly generating something special to each one of us and in our the first name and reference to today's "Planet- own unique way! So please, let's not squander X") and performed several searches for it, our precious cosmic gifts of 'time' and arktplce/0180.htm without success. Lowell's first search for 'circumstance.' arktplce/0180.htm Planet-X came to an end in 1909, but in 1913 he So that's it-this is "The Larger Picture" started up a second search, with a new as we see it. We believe that it is vitally Dr. Jaysen Rand is available for radio / prediction of Planet-X: epoch 1850-01-01, important to understand all things "cosmic in TV interviews and can be reached at mean long 11.67 deg., perih. long 186, nature" as we approach the years 2009 and 2012 eccentricity 0.228, mean distance 47.5 a.u., with open minds. or by long arch node 110.99 deg., inclination 7.30 Regardless of what your personal beliefs calling deg., mass 1/21000 solar masses. are regarding the true reality of Planet-X, Lowell and others searched in vain for religion, the subject of UFOs and ETs, global (901) 336-9660 this "Planet-X" from 1913-1915. In 1915, warming, partisan election politics and Islamic Lowell published his theoretical results on fundamentalist terrorism-our daily existence
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