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September 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/09/2010 10:59 PM Page 11 Did UFOs Disarm Nuclear Weapons? 11 Did UFOs Disarm Nuclear Weapons? And If So, Why? by Benjamin Radford At an unusual press conference recently held in Washington, D.C., a UFO author and a half-dozen or so former U.S. military airmen asserted that "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." They claim that since 1948, extraterrestrials in spaceships have not only been visiting Earth but hovering over British and American nuclear missile sites and temporarily deactivating the weapons. UFO author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, said, "I believe — these gentlemen believe — that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race." the planet better and seek world peace. That is constructed to build components for nuclear Hastings claims that a global conspiracy undoubtedly good advice (regardless of whether weapons. exists in which all major governments have its origin is terrestrial or extraterrestrial) though "They may have plans for a visit," said been covering up evidence of UFOs for if Hastings and his colleagues are right, the Richard Hayde, another member of MUFON. decades. aliens — if they exist — may have everything Like the USAF men who've come forward, he Despite claims that the airmen were under control. believes extraterrestrials are sending the world a "breaking their silence," there was very little message about nuclear weapons. new information presented at the press Benjamin Radford is managing editor of "We should love our planet and not conference; in fact many of the UFO reports the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine. His destroy it and each other in the process," said they cited date back 30 or 40 years, and had new book is Scientific Paranormal Hayde. appeared in magazine articles, books, and Investigation; this and his other books and The former air force officers say that at websites. Instead of any new evidence or real projects can be found on his website.[] the time, the military told them not to talk. But proof they offered merely a rehashing of old, now that they are, metro UFO believers say the discredited reports that didn't yield any UFO Believers Say ET men should be taken seriously. significant evidence when they were originally "With that type of military experience, reported decades ago. Could Come Calling on with the type of clearances that they had to be in These "revelations" in fact raise more charge of nuclear facilities, also lends questions than they answer. the Metro considerable credibility to their testimony," said For example, if extraterrestrial Hayde. intelligences have been watching over humanity and are so concerned about nuclear weapons, KANSAS CITY, MO - A plant under Strange lights over Tucson why didn't they prevent the atomic bombings of construction in south Kansas City to produce Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World parts for nuclear weapons could soon be getting KOLD News 13 War II? Preventing those bombs from exploding some visits from outer space, according to local Sept 24 2010 — instead of demonstrating the atom's UFO activists who say that recent revelations by awesome destructive power to the world — former U.S. Air Force officers about UFO TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - Our newsroom could have been a much more effective way to sightings at nuclear weapons facilities give their received calls all night about strange lights in head off a nuclear arms race. movement new credibility. the sky on the southwest side. Was it a UFO Furthermore, the point of the press The seven former USAF officers over Tucson? conference is muddled in contradictions. On claimed, in a press conference this week at the Many people describe them as a 3-5 one hand, the stated purpose was to encourage National Press Club in Washington, D.C., that lights in a triangle shape. governments of the world to finally publically they spotted UFO's hovering over nuclear KOLD called people all over the place admit that they are aware of aliens, presumably missile silos and storage areas in the 1960's, 70's trying to get answers, from Davis-Monthan Air because they pose a threat to national security. and 80's. They described the UFO as a glowing Force Base to the Arizona Department of Public On the other hand, the larger message seems to red object hovering over the front gate of the Safety. be not to worry about nuclear proliferation, facilities. One spokesman from the Air Guard said because our alien space brothers will take care Margie Kay is the Kansas City president that they are performing night flights this week. of us and avert any potential nuclear attacks (at of MUFON, an international organization that Witnesses that talked with KOLD's Dan least in the US and UK —no word on if the investigates UFO's. She says having retired Marries on the phone insisted the lights they aliens are concerned about Iran's nukes). USAF officers speak out gives believers like her saw were not coming from a plane. If that's true, then the aliens would not credibility. One woman even said the traffic and really be a threat to national security since they "Kansas City has actually had a number street lights flickered as it flew overhead. seem to be playing galactic peacekeepers. of sightings in the past," said Kay. "That's a very Another said she had to re-set her satellite The information presented at the press scary thought that a UFO can hover over a television after it flew past her house. conference is only the most recent in a long line nuclear weapons site. I've had reports actually Some KOLD Facebook comments of similar claims. from military personnel in Missouri that they've includes: UFO folklore and reports — especially had similar sightings on their air bases." •Angelique said, "What I saw was a from the 1960s and 1970s — often contained Any connection between UFO's and plane. It was huge. I saw it three times and it supposed messages from our peace-loving and nuclear weapons could certainly be of interest in was round and on its side with lights all around ecologically aware space brothers warning us south Kansas City, where a new plant is being it." [] quarrelsome and destructive earthlings to treat