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September 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/09/2010 10:59 PM Page 12 12 Denver set for UFO vote Denver set for UFO vote By Christopher N. Osher The Denver Post The campaign poster shows a flying disk over the painted skyline of Denver with the printed words "Are you ready for the truth?" Jeff Peckman plans to use the poster to get the word out for initiative 300, his ballot measure that will go before Denver voters in November. The initiative would require the city to create the world's first government-sanctioned extraterrestrial affairs commission. Peckman, 56, a Denver resident stresses that the initiative requires the commission to be financed from grants, gifts and donations, without requiring any money from the city budget. He was busy this past week preparing an eight-page voter guide outlining why voters should support his efforts to bring a commission to The ballot language adds that “I was working on a day that was kinda Denver that will study UFOs and beings commission members "who are not Denver busy,” she said. “I heard that same deep low from outer space. residents may participate from anywhere in the voice that came from the man in Target, but Peckman contends that the the U.S. universe by any means available." from a different man.” government for years has suppressed The duties of the commission would She looked and saw a fellow employee information about aliens from outer space include evaluating the risks and benefits of talking about the hotel with a thin man wearing visiting earth. potential encounters with extraterrestrials. The a beige, button-up shirt and sunglasses. The "Everyone should ask the elected city also would have to publish on the city's man shortly left, but he would be back. officials why they won't release this website evidence and testimony regarding “A couple weeks after that I saw him information," Peckman said. "I just know there extraterrestrials on earth. again,” she said. “He asked me about rates. He is a cover-up, and we should dig into this and This is not the first time Peckman has was very weird the way he spoke and behaved.” find out why and find out how we could benefit bedeviled city officials with an offbeat ballot Graves started to tell the man the hotel from this information the government is initiative. rates when he interrupted her. withholding from us the people." In 2003, he sought passage of a "Safety “Oh well,” the man said. “We got To get the initiative on the ballot, Through Peace" ballot initiative that would someplace to stay down the road.” Peckman submitted 10,000 signatures, of which have required the city to implement stress- Then he turned and walked away. 4,211 were deemed valid. He needed 3,974 to reduction techniques. “The way he talked and moved get the matter on the ballot. During that ballot initiative, Peckman reminded me of the guy in the first ‘Men In Bryan Bonner, 43, said he and four suggested everything from more nutritious food Black’ movie,” Graves said. The “guy” in the others have formed a group to fight Peckman's in public schools to mass meditation sessions to movie was an alien who behaved robotically. ballot initiative. He said he fears the piping soothing music into public buildings to “That’s what these guys would remind you of.” commission will cost the city money despite reduce stress and violence. Voters rejected the The movie, “Men in Black” (1997) was Peckman's pledge that no tax money will be concept at the polls. loosely based on a character in ufology who tapped. resembles the men Graves reports. He added that if voters approve the ‘Men in Black’ follow Missouri When the man walked away, although initiative, Denver will be subjected to ridicule. still in the lobby, two fellow employees "We are fighting for the reputation of the woman to work approached Graves and asked about the “weird city," Bonner said. "This hasn't done us any By Jason Offutt guy.” good, and it hasn't even passed yet." The Examiner “I acted like I didn’t suspect anything,” And City officials aren't enthused. Graves said. “I just agreed that he was very Some council members grew so strange.” concerned that they considered strengthening Maryville, MO — Author’s note: This is the last The man looked around the hotel’s gift the requirements to get an initiative on the ballot in a short series on strange encounters in shop before taking a decade-out-of-date cell to prevent such issues from surfacing in the Missouri. phone from his pocket and pretended to have a future. Currently, the city requires signatures Lynn Graves saw the first strange man in conversation. equal to 5 percent of the votes cast in the last Jefferson City. Thin, mechanical and mumbling “He walked outside around the corner of mayoral election to the point of buzzing, the man followed the building where the parking lot is,” Graves Peckman also has set up a website Graves through a department store and a said. “I watched and watched to see what car ( touting his bookstore on two separate occasions. pulled out, but I didn’t see anything.” push where he claims "Muhammad Ali saw at Since those encounters, different men – Later that night, a hotel guest least 22 UFOs and was fascinated by them" and although with the same robotic, soulless complained his iPod had been stolen from his also that "Elvis Presley had more UFO sightings mannerisms – have followed her to work in the locked vehicle, but Graves didn’t think much and meeting than any other celebrity." Lake of the Ozarks. about it until later. If the initiativepasses, the mayor would “I really think these guys are taking About a week later, a boat explosion have to appoint seven members to the interest in me. These men I believe are non- seriously injured a family at a dock near the commission, three of whom would need human people of some sorts,” she said. “I know hotel. Later that day, she saw two of these graduate degrees, and another with an M.D. At that they know I’m noticing them and talking strange men. least one would have to be an expert "who had about them to certain people.” “These guys were a little thinner but also consulted at least 100 people regarding their About three weeks after she first wore sunglasses,” she said. “One of them was alleged close encounters with extraterrestrial encountered the odd person with a false male dressed like an obvious tourist. I think they try intelligent beings." voice, she heard that voice at work – 45 miles away. too hard to fit in.”view. (Continued on Page 13)