Page 23 - 201109 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2011
P. 23
Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life Finally, there's a way for you to conquer ADHD in 60 days... Without pills, potions or talk therapy! Does this sound like you... or someone you know? • You tend to "zone out" whenever something is boring, too complicated, or hard to understand. If it's not interesting, you might as well forget it! • You feel overwhelmed with all the things you have to do. It's hard to get organized, and come up with a game plan to get things done. • You're "all-over-the-place." Creative ideas come to you quickly, but it's hard to figure out how to get things done in a fast, efficient and organized way. • You tend to be late, do too many things at once, and underestimate how long it takes to complete a task. • You have nervous energy. Your mind races or chatters, "Hmm, I think I've got ADHD..." distracting you from getting things done. If you know or suspect you have ADHD, then I want to • You're an "adrenaline junkie" who needs an extra boost to focus. help you get past your pain, confusion and anxiety. Actually, • You crave stimulation, and there's nothing like a little excitement I'd like to tell you about a way to to stir things up. You drinks soda, coffee or energy drinks... conquer ADHD in 60 days, whatever it takes to get yourself up and ready for action. without Ritalin. My name is Nicky • You struggle to read, concentrate, focus and remember. VanValkenburgh, and I've written a book that will give you • You're easily distracted. It's like your brain isn't operating at Author, Nicky Van specific techniques and strategies Valkenburgh of to help you conquer ADHD in 60 peak capacity. Train Your Brain, days. It's a a natural remedy for Transform Your ADHD that doesn't involve pills, These are a just a few of the symptoms of Attention Deficit Life. potions or talk therapy. Hyperactivity Disorder (or ADHD).