Page 28 - 201109 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2011
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; 15)3)45-1+ &: An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11 Continued from Page 26 Later on the morning of September 11, the Secret Service searched a Sarasota apartment looking for further corroboration of Zainlabdeen Omer’s report of an assassination threat. Three Sudanese men were questioned for about ten hours. The Secret Service also raided a beauty supply store in Sarasota, whose owner, identified as “Hakim,” told the agents that “Ghandi” was a member of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army, a group fighting against the fundamentalist Muslim government in Sudan. [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Monica Yadav of Sarasota’s ABC News 40 reported that a few days after the Secret Service visit, the beauty supply store was closed up and Hakim was long gone. Yadav also learned that Zainlabdeen Omer had suddenly quit his jobs and vacated his apartment. “All I know is he can’t leave town,” a friend of Omer’s told Yadav. “Omer got in a lot of trouble with the law.” The Special Agent in charge of If air traffic controllers believed Flight 11/23/01, AP, 10/5/01, Los Angeles Times, the Presidential detail in Sarasota told Yadav 11 had been hijacked at 8:13, NORAD should 9/20/01] (One hijacker may have been riding in that Bush was never in any danger and the have been informed immediately, so military the cockpit and begun the hijacking earlier.) various warnings and possible terrorist planes could be scrambled to investigate. After 8:21, both women apparently remained on connections were all “just a coincidence.” However, NORAD and the FAA both claimed the phone with American Airlines’ headquarters [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Yet, as we will see below, NORAD was not informed until 8:40—27 for 25 minutes, until their plane crashed into the there are more details of a threat against Bush minutes later. [NORAD, 9/18/01, AP, 8/12/02, World Trade Center’s North Tower. [ABC before he left Sarasota. AP, 8/19/02, Newsday, 9/10/02; one NORAD News, 7/18/02, AP, 10/5/01] These calls make employee said it took place at 8:31, ABC News, NORAD’s supposed ignorance of a crisis even Bush Is Briefed as the Hijackings 9/11/02] Indeed, before contacting NORAD, more dubious. Begin Boston air traffic controllers watched Flight 11 Bush Leaves for Booker Elementary make an unexpected 100-degree turn and head south toward New York City [Christian Science After his jog, Bush showered, then sat Monitor, 9/13/01], told other controllers of the Around the same time the Flight 11 down for his daily intelligence briefing around hijacking at 8:25 [Guardian, 10/17/01], hijackers were stabbing passenger Daniel 8 a.m. “The President’s briefing appears to have continued to hear highly suspicious dialogue Lewin—at 8:20 a.m.—Bush’s briefing ended included some reference to the heightened from the cockpit (such as, “Nobody move, and he said good-bye to the Colony’s general terrorist risk reported throughout the summer, please, we are going back to the airport. Don’t manager. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, Sarasota but contained nothing specific, severe or try to make any stupid moves” ) [Guardian, Magazine, 11/01] The first event on Bush’s imminent enough to necessitate a call to 10/17/01, New York Times, 10/16/01], and even schedule was what is known as a “soft event” [National Security Advisor] Condoleezza Rice.” asked the pilots of Flight 175 to scan the skies a photo-op with children at Emma [Telegraph, 12/16/01] for the errant plane. [Guardian, 10/17/01, Booker Elementary School—promoting his While Bush was being briefed, the Boston Globe, 11/23/01] proposed education bill. [Sarasota Herald- planes that would be hijacked began taking off. Is NORAD’s claim credible? If so, the Tribune, 9/11/01] After spending about 20 American Airlines Flight 11 was first, leaving air traffic controllers (including Mr. Michael) minutes with the children, Bush was scheduled Boston’s Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. The others should have been fired and subject to possible to give a short press conference at about 9:30. soon followed, except for United Flight 93, criminal charges for their inaction. To date, [White House, 9/7/01, Federal News Service, scheduled to leave at 8:01, but which was however, there has been no word of any person 9/10/01] delayed on the runway for about 40 minutes. being disciplined at any institution at any level Accounts of when Bush’s motorcade left [Boston Globe, 11/23/01] (For more for what happened on 9/11. for the school vary from 8:30 to 8:39. [8:30, information on the four flights, see Flight 11, If NORAD’s claim is false, and it was Washington Post, 1/27/02, 8:35, Sarasota Flight 175, Flight 77, Flight 93.) indeed informed within the time frame outlined Magazine, 9/19/01, 8:39, Washington Times, At approximately 8:13, Flight 11 was in FAA regulations that Flight 11 may have been 10/7/02] One account has the Bush party leave instructed by air traffic controllers at the FAA’s hijacked, that would mean NORAD did the Colony suite at 8:30 and drive away at 8:39. Boston Center, in Nashua, New Hampshire, to absolutely nothing for almost thirty Whenever he left, the motorcade traveled climb to 35,000 feet. The plane did not obey the minuteswhile a hijacked commercial airliner quickly: “The police shut down traffic in both order and its transponder was turned off. Air flew off course through some of the most directions, leaving roads utterly deserted for traffic control manager Glenn Michael said, “we congested airspace in the world. Presumably, Bush’s long motorcade, which barreled along at considered it at that time to be a possible that would warrant some very serious charges. 40 mph, running red lights with impunity.” hijacking.” [AP, 8/12/02, emphasis added] Again, no one associated with NORAD or the [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism—From According to FAA regulations, that was the FAA has been punished. Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, correct decision: “Consider that an aircraft According to phone calls made by fight 10/02, pp. 37-38] At 40 mph, it would take emergency exists… when… there is unexpected attendants Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney, the about 14 minutes to travel the nine-mile loss of radar contact and radio communications hijackers had stabbed and killed at least one distance to the school. with any… aircraft.” [FAA Air Traffic Control passenger and two flight attendants by about Regulations, Chapter 10, Section 2-5 ] 8:21. [ABC News, 7/18/02, Boston Globe, Continued on Page 31