Page 42 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
P. 42
SEPTEMBER 11TH MEMORIAL Paula Morales, 42, Aon Corp. ,WTC Fitzgerald WTC Airlines AA Flight 11 Gerard (Jerry) P. Moran, 39, U.S. Navy Charles Murphy 38 Cantor Fitzgerald Christopher C. Newton 38 WorkLife Pentagon WTC Benefits WTC John Moran, 43, New York Fire Christopher W. Murphy 35 Keefe, Nancy Yuen Ngo 36 Marsh & McLennan Department, WTC Bruyette & Woods WTC Cos. Inc. WTC John Christopher Moran 38 Accenture Edward C. Murphy 42 Cantor Fitzgerald Khang Ngoc Nguyen 41 WTC WTC WTC Jody Tepedino Nichilo 39 Cantor Kathleen Moran 42 Zurich American James F. Murphy IV 30 Thomson Fitzgerald WTC Insurance WTC Financial Services WTC Kathleen Ann Nicosia 54 American Lindsay S. Morehouse 24 Keefe, Bruyette James Thomas Murphy 35 Cantor Airlines AA Flight 11 & Woods WTC Fitzgerald WTC Martin Niederer 23 Cantor Fitzgerald George Morell 47 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Kevin James Murphy 40 Marsh & WTC Steven P. Morello 52 Marsh & McLennan McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Alfonse J. Niedermeyer III 40 Port Cos. Inc. WTC Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy 38 U.S. Authority of New York and New Jersey WTC Vincent S. Morello 34 New York Fire Navy Pentagon Frank John Niestadt Jr. 55 Aon Corp. Department WTC Patrick Sean Murphy 36 Marsh & WTC Yvette Nicole Moreno 25 Carr Futures McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Gloria Nieves 48 Fiduciary Trust WTC Lt. Raymond E. Murphy 46 New York International WTC Dorothy Morgan 47 Marsh & McLennan Fire Department WTC Juan Nieves Jr. 56 Windows on the World Cos. Inc. WTC Robert Eddie Murphy Jr. 56 WTC WTC Richard Morgan 63 WTC John J. Murray 32 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Troy Edward Nilsen 33 Cantor Fitzgerald Nancy Morgenstern 32 Cantor Fitzgerald John Joseph Murray 52 Industrial Bank of WTC WTC Japan WTC Paul R. Nimbley 42 Cantor Fitzgerald Sanae Mori 27 Nomura Research Institute Susan D. Murray 54 Marsh & McLennan WTC Ltd. WTC Cos. Inc. WTC John Ballantine Niven 44 Aon Corp. WTC Blanca Morocho 26 Windows on the Valerie Victoria Murray 65 Ohrenstein & Curtis Terrence Noel 22 General Telecom World WTC Brown WTC WTC Leonel Morocho 36 Windows on the Richard Todd Myhre 37 Cantor Fitzgerald Michael Allen Noeth 30 U.S. Navy World WTC WTC Pentagon Dennis G. Moroney 39 Cantor Fitzgerald Daniel R. Nolan 44 Johnson & WTC - N - Higgins/March McLennan WTC - N - Lynne Irene Morris 22 Cantor Fitzgerald Robert Walter Noonan 36 Cantor WTC Louis J. Nacke 42 Kay-Bee Toys WTC Fitzgerald WTC Odessa V. Morris 54 U.S. Army Pentagon Lt. Robert B. Nagel 55 New York Fire Jacqueline J. Norton 61 AA Flight 11 Seth A. Morris 35 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Department WTC Robert Grant Norton 85 AA Flight 11 Stephen Philip Morris 31 WTC Mildred Naiman 81 Western Electric Co Daniela R. Notaro 25 Carr Futures WTC Christopher M. Morrison 34 Zurich AA Flight 11 Brian Novotny 33 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Scudder Investments WTC Takuya Nakamura 30 Nishi-Nippon Bank Soichi Numata 45 Fuji Bank WTC Ferdinand V. Morrone 63 Port Authority WTC Brian Felix Nunez 29 Cantor Fitzgerald of New York and New Jersey WTC Alexander J.R. Napier 38 Aon Corp. WTC WTC William David Moskal 50 Marsh USA Jose R. Nunez 42 Windows on the World WTC Frank Naples 29 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC WTC Lt. John Napolitano 33 New York Fire Brian Anthony Moss 34 U.S. Navy Department WTC Jeffrey Nussbaum 37 Carr Futures WTC Pentagon Catherine A. Nardella 40 Aon Corp. WTC - O - Marco Motroni Sr. 57 Carr Futures WTC Mario Nardone Jr. 32 Euro Brokers Inc. - O - Iouri A. Mouchinski 55 self-employed WTC WTC Manika Narula 22 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Dennis O'Berg 28 New York Fire Jude J. Moussa 35 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Shawn M. Nassaney 25 American Power Department WTC Peter C. Moutos 44 Marsh USA WTC Conversion WTC James P. O'Brien Jr. 33 Cantor Fitzgerald Damion Mowatt 21 Forte Food Service WTC Narender Nath 33 WTC WTC Michael O'Brien 42 Cantor Fitzgerald Karen S. Navarro 30 Carr Futures WTC Teddington H. Moy 48 U.S. Army Joseph M. Navas 44 Port Authority of New WTC Pentagon York and New Jersey WTC Scott J. O'Brien 40 Slam Dunk Networks Christopher Mozzillo 27 New York Fire Francis J. Nazario 28 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Department WTC WTC Timothy Michael O'Brien 40 Cantor Stephen V. Mulderry 33 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods WTC Glenroy Neblett 42 WTC Fitzgerald WTC Marcus R. Neblett 31 Aon Corp. WTC Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan 42 New York Fire Richard Muldowney Jr. 40 New York Fire Jerome O. Nedd 39 Windows on the World Department WTC Department WTC WTC Dennis J. O'Connor Jr. 34 Cantor Michael D. Mullan 34 New York Fire Laurence Nedell 51 Aon Corp. WTC Fitzgerald WTC Department WTC Luke G. Nee 44 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Diana J. O'Connor 38 Sandler O'Neill & Dennis Michael Mulligan 32 New York Pete Negron 34 Port Authority of New Partners WTC Fire Department WTC York and New Jersey WTC Keith K. O'Connor 28 Keefe, Bruyette & Peter James Mulligan 28 Cantor Laurie Ann Neira 48 Your Office Genie Woods WTC Fitzgerald WTC WTC Richard J. O'Connor 49 Marsh & Michael Joseph Mullin 27 Cantor Ann Nicole Nelson 30 Cantor Fitzgerald McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Fitzgerald WTC WTC Amy O'Doherty 23 Cantor Fitzgerald James Donald Munhall 45 Sandler O'Neill David William Nelson 50 Carr Futures WTC & Partners WTC WTC Marni Pont O'Doherty 31 Keefe, Bruyette Nancy Muniz 45 WTD James Nelson 40 Port Authority of New & Woods WTC Carlos Mario Munoz 43 Windows on the York and New Jersey WTC James Andrew O'Grady 32 Sandler World WTC Michele Ann Nelson 27 Cantor Fitzgerald O'Neill & Partners WTC Theresa (Terry) Munson 54 Aon Corp. Lt. Thomas O'Hagan 43 New York Fire WTC WTC Peter Allen Nelson 42 New York Fire Department WTC Robert M. Murach 45 Cantor Fitzgerald Department WTC Patrick O'Keefe 44 New York Fire WTC Oscar Nesbitt 58 New York State Department WTC Cesar Augusto Murillo 32 Cantor Department of Taxation and Finance WTC Capt. William O'Keefe 49 New York Fire Fitzgerald WTC Gerard Terence Nevins 46 New York Fire Department WTC Marc A. Murolo 28 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Department WTC WTC Gerald O'Leary 34 Forte Food Service Renee Lucille Newell 37 American Brian Joseph Murphy 41 Cantor
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47