Page 44 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
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SEPTEMBER 11TH MEMORIAL Michael J. Pescherine 32 Keefe, Bruyette WTC Timothy E. Reilly 40 Marsh USA WTC & Woods WTC Wanda Prince 30 Fiduciary Trust Joseph Reina Jr. 32 Cantor Fitzgerald Davin Peterson 25 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC International WTC WTC Donald Arthur Peterson 66 Continental Vincent Princiotta 39 New York Fire Thomas Barnes Reinig 48 Cantor Electric Co. UA Flight 93 Department WTC Fitzgerald WTC Jean Hoadley Peterson 55 UA Flight 93 Kevin Prior 28 New York Fire Department Frank B. Reisman 41 Cantor Fitzgerald William Russel Peterson 46 Marsh & WTC WTC McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Everett Martin (Marty) Proctor III 44 Joshua Scott Reiss 23 Cantor Fitzgerald Mark Petrocelli 28 Carr Futures WTC Cantor Fitzgerald WTC WTC Lt. Philip S. Petti 43 New York Fire Carrie B. Progen 25 Aon Corp. WTC Karen Renda 52 American Express WTC Department WTC David Lee Pruim 53 Aon Corp. WTC John Armand Reo 28 Cantor Fitzgerald Glen K. Pettit 30 New York Police Richard Prunty 57 New York Fire WTC Department WTC Department WTC Richard Rescorla 62 Morgan Stanley WTC Dominick Pezzulo 36 Port Authority of John F. Puckett 47 Windows on the World John Thomas Resta 40 Carr Futures WTC New York and New Jersey WTC WTC Martha M. Reszke 36 U.S. Army Pentagon Kaleen E. Pezzuti 28 Cantor Fitzgerald Robert D. Pugliese 47 Marsh & David E. Retik 33 Alta Communications WTC McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC AA Flight 11 Lt. Kevin Pfeifer 42 New York Fire Edward F. Pullis 34 Aon Corp. WTC Todd H. Reuben 40 Venable, Baetjer, Department WTC Patricia Ann Puma 33 Julien J. Studley Howard & Civiletti AA Flight 77 Tu-Anh Pham 42 Fred Alger Management Inc. WTC Eduvigis (Eddie) Reyes 37 Rohde & WTC (Retired) Capt. Jack D. Punches 51 U.S. Liesenfeld WTC Lt. Kenneth Phelan 41 New York Fire Navy Pentagon Bruce A. Reynolds 41 Port Authority of Department WTC Sonia Morales Puopolo 61 AA Flight 11 New York and New Jersey WTC Eugenia Piantieri 55 Marsh & McLennan Hemanth Puttur 26 Marsh & McLennan John Frederick Rhodes 57 Aon Corp WTC Cos. Inc. WTC Cos. Inc. WTC Francis S. Riccardelli 40 Port Authority of Ludwig J. Picarro 44 Zurich American Joseph John Pycior Jr. 39 U.S. Navy New York and New Jersey WTC Insurance WTC Pentagon Rudolph N. Riccio 50 Cantor Fitzgerald Matthew Picerno 44 Cantor Fitzgerald Edward R. Pykon 33 Fred Alger WTC WTC Management WTC AnnMarie (Davi) Riccoboni 58 Ohrenstein Joseph O. Pick 40 Fiduciary Trust & Brown International WTC - Q - David H. Rice 31 Sandler O'Neill & - Q - Christopher Pickford 32 New York Fire Partners WTC Department WTC Christopher Quackenbush 44 Sandler Eileen Mary Rice 57 Marsh & McLennan Dennis J. Pierce 54 New York State O'Neill & Partners WTC Cos. Inc WTC Department of Taxation and Finance WTC Lars P. Qualben 49 Marsh & McLennan Kenneth F. Rice III 34 Marsh & Bernard T. Pietronico 39 Cantor Fitzgerald Cos. Inc. WTC McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC WTC Lincoln Quappe 38 New York Fire Cecelia E. Richard 41 U.S. Army Nicholas P. Pietrunti 38 Cantor Fitzgerald Pentagon WTC Department WTC Lt. Vernon Allan Richard 53 New York Beth Ann Quigley 25 Cantor Fitzgerald Theodoros Pigis 60 One Source (Hudson WTC Fire Department WTC Shatz) WTC Patrick J. Quigley VI 40 Claude D. Richards 46 New York Police Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto 44 Cantor PricewaterhouseCoopers WTC Department WTC Fitzgerald WTC Lt. Michael Quilty 42 New York Fire Gregory Richards 30 Cantor Fitzgerald Joseph Piskadlo 48 ABM Industries WTC Department WTC WTC Christopher Todd Pitman 30 Cantor James Francis Quinn 23 Cantor Fitzgerald Michael Richards 38 WTC Fitzgerald WTC WTC Venesha O. Richards 26 Marsh & Josh Piver 23 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Ricardo Quinn 40 New York Fire McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Robert R. Ploger III 59 Lockheed Martin Department WTC James Riches 29 New York Fire Corp AA Flight 77 Department WTC Zandra F. Ploger AA Flight 77 Alan Jay Richman 44 Marsh & McLennan - R - Joseph Plumitallo 45 Cantor Fitzgerald - R - Cos. Inc. WTC WTC John M. Rigo 48 Marsh & McLennan Cos. John M. Pocher 36 Cantor Fitzgerald Marsha Dianah Ratchford 34 U.S. Navy Inc. WTC WTC Pentagon Frederick Rimmele 32 Family Practice William H. Pohlmann 56 New York State David Alan James Rathkey 47 IQ Residence at Beverly and Hunt Hospitals in Department of Taxation and Finance WTC Financial Systems WTC Beverly, Mass. WTC Laurence M. Polatsch 32 Cantor William Ralph Raub 38 Cantor Fitzgerald Theresa (Ginger) Risco 48 Fred Alger Fitzgerald WTC WTC Management WTC Thomas H. Polhemus 39 Accenture WTC Gerard Rauzi 42 New York State Rose Mary Riso 55 New York State Steve Pollicino 48 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Department of Taxation and Finance WTC Department of Taxation and Finance WTC Susan M. Pollio 45 Euro Brokers Inc. Alexey Razuvaev 40 Euro Brokers Inc. Moises N. Rivas 29 Windows on the World WTC WTC WTC Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell 26 U.S. Gregory Reda 33 Marsh & McLennan Joseph Rivelli Jr. New York Fire Navy Pentagon Cos. Inc. WTC Department WTC Joshua Poptean 37 Bronx Builders WTC Sarah (Prothero) Redheffer 35 Risk Waters Carmen A. Rivera 33 Fiduciary Trust Giovanna Porras 24 General Telecom Group WTC International WTC WTC Michele Reed 26 Aon Corp WTC Isaias Rivera 51 CBS WTC Anthony Portillo 48 Washington Group Judith A. Reese 56 WTC Juan William Rivera 27 General Telecom International WTC Donald J. Regan 47 New York Fire WTC James Edward Potorti 52 Marsh & Department WTC Linda Rivera 26 Marsh & McLennan Cos. McLennan Cos. Inc. WTC Lt. Robert M. Regan 48 New York Fire Inc. WTC Daphne Pouletsos 47 Aon Corp. WTC Department WTC David E. Rivers 40 Risk Waters Group Richard Poulos 55 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC Thomas M. Regan 43 Aon Corp. WTC WTC Stephen E. Poulos 45 Aon Corp. WTC Christian Michael Otto Regenhard 28 Joseph R. Riverso 34 Cantor Fitzgerald Brandon J. Powell 26 Forte Food Service New York Fire Department WTC WTC WTC Howard Reich 59 Pitney Bowes WTC Paul Rizza 34 Fiduciary Trust International Scott Powell 35 BTG Inc. Pentagon Gregg Reidy 26 Cantor Fitzgerald WTC WTC Shawn Edward Powell 32 New York Fire James B. Reilly 25 Keefe, Bruyette & John Frank Rizzo 50 New York WTC Department WTC Woods WTC Stephen Louis Roach 36 Cantor Fitzgerald Tony Pratt 43 Forte Food Service WTC Kevin O. Reilly 28 New York Fire WTC Gregory M. Preziose 34 Cantor Fitzgerald Department WTC
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