Page 4 - 201011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
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Whispers, Chains, Rustle Sounds, Ghosts Whispers, Chains, Rustle dramatic increase in reported apparitions of the described at the exorcism. Not everyone who goes to a Haunted Sounds, GHOSTS! dead. 42 percent of the population and 67 House experiences paranormal phenomena. It is percent of widows, reported apparition Continued from Page 3 experiences, perhaps due to an opening of the believed that only certain individuals with minds because of changing public opinion certain psychic attunements or emotional states towards knowledge of paranormal experiences. are receptive. Reciprocal Apparitions, appearances An Entity is a Ghost or disincarnate of the living in which both the seer and the Of these experiences, 78 percent involved being who is able to host the body of one who is visual images, 50 percent heard noises and person giving the message, separated by distance, experience each other simultaneously. voices, 21 percent felt tactile sensations, 32 a weakened or tired frame of mind. This is percent felt an invisible presence, along with known as an encounter phenomenon which This is quite common with Identical Twins, of cooling air, and 18 percent had direct telepathic involves any number of a wide range of which I am one of two sets of identical twin communication with the apparition. experiences with alternate realities, possessions, girls in my primary family. A possible As for haunting, the term haunt comes channeling, religious conversions, shamanic explanation is that the person giving the message has a strong desire or impulse to from the same root as home, and refers to the journeys, UFO abductions, etc. Researchers believe that the unconscious mind determines occupation of homes by spirits and ghosts of contact the seer and will unconsciously project deceased people and animals who lived there. what kind of an encounter will take place. Some their double to give a message. i.e. an out-of- body experience for each. When I was in the Other haunted sites seem to be places merely encounters are so powerful that the person’s life becomes permanently changed. A culture and frequented or liked by the deceased, such as a Dominican Republic on a vacation, my son was graveyard, or places where a violent death has personal belief may shape the nature of the at college. He became ill and went to the occurred, much like London Tower or an encounter, so as to reinforce the culture and infirmary with a very high fever. He told his English Pub. Most hauntings have no apparent personal belief. In other words, to give one a friends to go to his room and wait because his mother was trying to call. Meanwhile, in the reason or purpose. Some are continual, and stronger faith. I have experienced two such others are active only on certain days that encounters and entity possession. One was Dominican, I “felt” his presence and was correspond to the death or a major event in the while driving through the Mink Hills of New extremely worried. This went on for three days life of the deceased. For example, at Hampton Hampshire on my way to my Mother’s home. It and I “knew” he was ill. I meditated and sent Court in England, the ghost of Sir Christopher was a lovely evening and I was enjoying the him light and healing. We had a telepathic conversation and I felt I was nursing and caring Wren is said to be heard walking hurriedly up sunset. All of a sudden my foot “stuck” on the and down the stairs every February 26, the date gas pedal of the car and I could not move it. for him. Upon my return home I called his room of his death in 1723. In Baltimore, Edgar Allen When my brain gave the “order” to lighten up immediately. A friend was picking up a book for Poe has a rose and bottle of Cognac placed on my pressure, my foot would not move. I did not him and was surprised at my call. The friend his grave every year on his birthdate. This has understand what was happening. All of a sudden exclaimed, “Jeff said you would call today. He’s been done with regularity for so long that many I “felt” a presence overtake me and began to in the infirmary with a 103 fever and has been believe it’s done by ghostly hands! recite the Lord’s Prayer and command the entity calling for you. He sent me here for a book, and Some hauntings are brief, lasting only a to leave. This continued on for a few minutes, I was only here for five minutes. I’m spending my time in the infirmary with him.” I smiled few hours to a few weeks, while others can and the car sped up to ninety miles a hour. There continue for decades or centuries; haunted was nothing I could do at the moment! I inwardly as I believe nothing happens by houses are often pervaded by a depressed or commanded the Entity to leave my body in the accident and she went to get the book at that oppressive atmosphere. Sometimes there is name of God, Christ and all the Masters. I exact moment because I was going to call. dampness and some stones as a part of the needed to do this forcefully several times. building. Finally it left, and I “heard” a shrill and evil Veridical Apparitions: apparitions that I have conducted many exorcisms of can be corroborated by facts or photography. haunted houses and people who are possessed. laugh. At the same time, I saw a red blinking light in my rear view mirror. It was a Cop, of Veridical apparitions are of most value to When people have a home for sale and cannot course and I received a ticket for speeding. At parapsychologists and research scientists. get a buyer, it may be because of a special, that moment I realized the power Entities can emotional attachment to the property. I once have over someone. I have a very strong belief Deathbed Apparitions: visual images of divine beings, religions figures, luminosities, cleared a home that was located on an Indian since that time, that all Entities and Ghosts should be exorcised as quickly as possible from Graveyard. The owner’s father and grandfather and dead loved ones that are reported by the dying in their last moments of life. When my grew up there. The family had a bad feeling the planet, to free their souls, and give the area they haunt and the people they contact peace of about leaving and going on with their lives. The cousin Olive was on her deathbed in Concord, house was on the market for several years but mind. New Hampshire, she began to talk with Jesus. did not sell because of the feelings of guilt from It is believed in England and Scotland She had a very strong religious belief as did her the son and the apparition of the father who that if you look into a mirror at midnight on All parents. She told her mother that Jesus had come for her and she would be leaving. Within lived in the house. The apparition did not want Hallows Eve, and you are unmarried, you will see the face of your Beloved or Soul mate in the the home sold because then it would have to the hour, she died peacefully. leave the earth plane. reflection. You may even recognize them. You To do a clearing, the father’s energies must burn white candles and ask you Higher Apparitions Suggesting Reincarnation: “announcement dreams” in had to be exorcised, and ordered to leave the Self to introduce you to your opposite self - or which the deceased (or renewed Soul) appears planet to a place of evolvement. The effect had Soul mate; This is a type of Scrying. Try it—it works! been that when the son thought about moving, in a dream to a member of the family into which the father would call in all of the ancestors to try Hauntings where apparitions appear it will be born. Such dreams appear frequently among the Tlingit and other Northwest to etherically prevent the sale. An ominous may be seen by a single individual or collectively by several people present at the energy field was set up around the property, American tribes, and in Turkey, Burma, and almost as if a fog or mist would prevent it from same time of the occurrence. Ghosts vary in Thailand. While working with Dianne from being seen. The son and his wife had to have appearance - some seem to be real people or Montreal for a Spiritual healing, I told her a their auric field cleared so the subconscious animals, while others appear filmy, fuzzy, child would be born to her within the year. It would be a daughter, and wanted to be named mind could accept the sale of the property. We nearly transparent or mostly a white mist. Most sent the father’s essence to a place of light, ghosts seen over a period of time will be Patricia. Dianne was not yet pregnant, but now, healing and love, and freed up the etheric bonds wearing the same clothing or costume. Some a year later, the baby girl will be born to the son. Then we magnetized a new family to have been known to change their appearance momentarily. move in by using thought and visualization. I and even their age. Some can be horrific, was sensitive enough to be able to describe the missing their heads or other body parts. It is said In the 1980’s polls conducted by the United States, by the University of Chicago’s new family to the present owners, and that Ann Bolin, wife of King Henry VIII carries welcomed them telepathically. The house sold her head tucked under her arm through the National Opinion Research Council showed a within six weeks to the exact family I had London Tower every Hallows Eve.