Page 7 - 201011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
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Ann Eller Re-Examined Ann Eller Enters The 'X' Zone Order of Woo Woo's! Hynek, Ann was finally successful, and ended astronomical professionals are suppressing the by Rob McConnell up sending him, at his request (so she claims) truth about it's existence. Now, Eller herself has her dream journal of her UFO / Alien dream never researched these claims with professional state experiences. astronomers, but is relying on information that 'X' Zone Nation, I just had to share my Ultimately, she found out that Dr. Hynek she has read on the internet. thoughts about an interview I did on was going to be coming to a town near where Eller's interview contained bits and Wednesday, October 6 2010 with ANN ELLER, she lived, so, she went to the town, hung around pieces from every aspect of UFOlogy, who claims to have worked with Dr. J Allen with the UFO groupies that were at the address Extraterrestrials and New Age hodgepodge Hynek, who is known far and wide in the world where Dr. Hynek was supposed to be, and imaginable, including MJ-12, government of UFOlogy for his work as the man behind volunteered her services. Professionally, she cover-up and conspiracy, Roswell, Area 51, "Project Blue Book." was a Mede vac nurse for the Peace Corps, and Skunk Works, Planet-X, December 21 2012, the Project Blue Book was one of a series of claims to have had ties with the White House Pole Shift, alien encounters, flying saucers, the systematic studies of unidentified flying objects during the Clinton Administration. inner working of UFO research, an incredible (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air She was accepted as a volunteer and set encounter in Laramie, Wyoming and much Force (U.S.A.F.). Started in 1952, it was the up Dr Hynek's office. more. second revival of such a study (the first two of Well, according to Ms. Eller, the good After 3 segments of the 4 segment its kind being Projects Sign and Grudge). A doctor was so impressed with her and her interview, we came back from our last break, termination order was given for the study in organizational skills, that she ended up working Ann Eller was no longer on the line! December 1969, and all activity under its for him for $100.00 a week - some weeks longer Was she abducted by aliens? Had the auspices ceased in January 1970. than others. Men In Black kidnapped her for spilling the Project Blue Book had two goals: Ms. Eller made several claims beans? Had the military come and threatened 1. to determine if UFOs were a threat to including: her? national security, and 1. Eller claims that there is a No! I could not take any more of her bull 2. to scientifically analyze UFO-related government cover up to suppress the truth of crap and disconnected her, and yes, I played, data. the existence of UFOs but has no proof and has "Another One Bites the Dust." Thousands of UFO reports were made this conclusion based on her internet As for her credibility, I contacted a good collected, analyzed and filed. As the result of readings; friend of The 'X' Zone, Philip Imbrogno, who is the Condon Report, which concluded there was 2. Eller claims to have had a 3 hour a recognized authority in the field of UFO nothing anomalous about UFOs, Project Blue conversation with a group of female research and author of several books including Book was ordered shut down in December 1969 extraterrestrials who had morphed into the body "NIGHT SEIGE: The Hudson Valley UFO and the Air Force continues to provide the of her friend and told her that they were inter- Sightings," which he co-authored with Dr. J following summary of its investigations: dimensional beings and that they had always Allen Hynek. - No UFO reported, investigated and been with her. This conversation was When I asked Philip about Ann Eller evaluated by the Air Force was ever an supposedly witnessed by the husband of her about the claims that were made during my 'X' indication of threat to our national security; friend (the one that morphed into the ET) who Zone radio interview with her, Philip said: - There was no evidence submitted to or was in the room with her at the time. "I think she did some computer work for discovered by the Air Force that sightings 3. Eller claims that humanity is going him after Allen and Miriam moved to Arizona. categorized as "unidentified" represented through a metamorphosis' and that we are As far as I know she never really worked with technological developments or principles changing from a carbon based species to a him, just worked for him for a very short time. beyond the range of modern scientific crystal base species - as evidenced (allegedly) Other than that he never mentioned her. During knowledge; and by a lady who expels crystals from her finger the last three years of Allen's life we talked or - There was no evidence indicating that tips. Now, Eller claims to have met the lady, saw visit each other a great deal and her name was sightings categorized as "unidentified" the supposed crystals, but did not witness the never brought up in conversation." were extraterrestrial vehicles. crystals being expelled from the finger tips of I do not buy her story whatsoever. By the time Project Blue Book ended, it the lady. It lacks credibility as well as evidence. had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and 4. Eller told of a member of the military Ann Eller has been added to The 'X' concluded that most of them were that she knows (but would not identify) who Zone Order of Woo Woo's at misidentifications of natural phenomena claims to have been brought to Cheyenne, with other (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. The Colorado, the headquarters for NORAD, where guests who have come on The 'X' Zone who, in UFO reports were archived and are available she saw among other things, a deceased alien. my humble opinion have NO credibility at all! under the Freedom of Information Act, but According to Eller, the female member of the The link to this interview is names and other personal information of all military was then told by the Men In Black, to witnesses have been changed. cease her inquiries into the UFO / Alien mp3. Ann Eller came on the show to discuss presence and agenda. her work with Dr. Hynek and she told me of 5. Eller claims that Planet-X, you know, For The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and how she had become interested in UFOs and the mythical planet that doomsday fanatics The 'X' Chronicles, Newspaper, I am, Rob Extraterrestrials after having very clear and keep on talking about, can be seen in the McConnell. vivid dreams of them. morning and night sky, and that NASA and the After several attempts to contact Dr.