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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:52 AM Page 1 THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper Vol. 15, No 03 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) MARCH 2010 $4.95(US) UFOLOGY DESPERATELY NEEDS A “REALITY CHECK” UFOLOGY horrid physical examinations by world - in this dimension or another. They point to lights in the night sky, DESPERATELY extraterrestrials, those who have been sexually which ultimately turn out to be conventional assaulted and abused by ET, and those who NEEDS A claim to have their children removed from their terrestrial aircraft (the type that are from a wombs. planet in our solar system called "Earth") or to “REALITY CHECK” I have spoken to those who claim that photographs which have been taken with they were whisked from their bedrooms while cameras being operated by inexperienced they slept and taken to “Mother ships” 100’s of photographers and videographers that clearly miles in diameter that hover this very planet. show pixellated unidentified unrecognizable Those interviewed also have included that UFO buffs claim to be "flying saucers." sky watchers over the Great Lakes on North When believers in UFOs are asked why America - all of whom have stories to share the aliens just do not land on the front lawn of with any one who will listen - especially if they the White House in Washington, DC... the have access to a radio microphone, television Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario, camera or newspaper column. Canada... Buckingham Palace in London, The photographs that they produce are England or the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, anything less then compelling. they use the reality escape clause: the aliens, not The physical evidence non-existent. unlike the Prime Directive in StarTrek, does not With global access to the largest septic allow them (the alien occupants of the UFOs) to receptacle ever invented by mankind, the interfere with the development of this planet. internet, and computer graphic and CGI Right. software, anyone can now turn their fantasy into Then you have the UFO enthusiasts who a virtual reality for which there is no lack of claim that the governments of the world are By eager believers found throughout the matrix of suppressing and covering up the fact that the ROB McCONNELL the internet. aliens have landed and that the governments of Believers of extraterrestrial visitors the world - the US Government in particular - Hamilton, Ontario: Since 1992, I have had my would have you believe that even after all the have been working with them and allowing fingertips on the pulse of the UFO community, years of their tireless self-styled research, aliens to "abduct" citizens of this planet for sky watchers, UFO experts, contactees, which, to this time has not produced any experimentation purposes in exchange for alien abductees, implanted human specimens, evidence whatsoever that this planet is being technology. unwilling alien subjects who have been given visited by "intelligent" beings from another Continued on Page 2