Page 4 - 201003 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2010
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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:52 AM Page 4 4 Phew! UFOs aren't a military threat Phew! UFOs aren't a military threat From TG Daily We can all breathe easy: the British Ministry of Defence has decided that UFOs aren't dangerous. That's the reason that it's decided to shut down its UFO hotline - it's not pressure from the little grays after all. Professor David Clarke at Sheffield Hallam University says that he received the explanation from the MoD after putting in a Freedom of Information request - only to discover that the MoD is now destroying all Amazingly (to Dr Clarke at least) it of the time discussing a vision. UFO reports it receives after 30 days, just so appears that indeed this is being done: all UFO He recounted how in 1985 he was in that it doesn't have to respond to such requests reports received by the MoD are nowadays Mexico when he believes a UFO he calls "the in future. answered with a form letter and then thrown in wheel" invited him aboard where he was spoken "Reported sightings...should be the bin after thirty days. The "Hotline" phone to by Elijah Muhammad, the late Nation of answered by a standard letter and, on the advice number no longer exists. Islam leader. He says it turned him into an of Corporate Memory and The National Meanwhile there has been a policy of excellent predictor of future events. Archives, should be retained for 30 days and transferring the existing, vast piles of filed A vigorous long-time Obama supporter, then destroyed, largely removing any future reports to the National Archives, which then he said his organization, which for decades has FOI liability and negating the need to release makes them public. Thus the MoD has managed helped black inmates reform, needs his support. future files post 30 November 2009," says the to rid itself of a tiresome chore and some minor He said Obama is being manipulated to disavow MoD document. expense at a time when it has little cash to spare. him. When asked if he´s met with Obama he It seems the MoD was getting a bit tired But Dr Clarke is understandably cross: said: "I ain´t going there." of being besieged by UFOlogists convinced it was hiding something. Apparently, they're all a As I suspected all along, the closure of bit busy in Iraq at the moment or something. the UFO desk and the decision to transfer all UFOs are just "The level of resources devoted to this sky laterns task is increasing in response to a recent remaining MoD files to The National Archives are linked ... by the end of the disclosure upsurge in reported sightings, diverting staff programme MoD will retain no further from more valuable Defence-related activities," paperwork on UFOs. A UFOLOGIST has admitted that mysterious says the document. The disclosure of this document makes orange lights repeatedly seen in the night sky Clarke isn't impressed. "If MoD have could be nothing more than Chinese lanterns. learned anything from 50 years experience it it evident this is the endgame as far as the Roy Lake, 71, of the London UFO MoD are concerned. should be that UFOs will simply not go away," But if MoD have learned anything Studies group, said the "glows" spotted in he says on his blog. from 50 years experience it should be that Dagenham since October could be cheap sky "I suspect that the next time a near-miss UFOs will simply not go away. I suspect that lanterns let off in groups before suddenly incident involving civil or military aircraft the next time a near-miss incident involving "vanishing" when their candles go out. occurs, they will be forced to rethink this civil or military aircraft occurs, they will be In the latest sighting, in the early hours somewhat short-sighted policy. Only time will forced to rethink this somewhat short-sighted of February 14, Karen Gray was shocked to see tell." [] several orange orbs over the Heathway that policy. disappeared after three minutes. On Boxing Day, Linda Hunt, 60, saw Secret documents: The Although he belongs to the "sceptic" four orange lights going along the same Truth about MoD's UFO wing of the UFO community, Dr Clarke plainly trajectory within minutes, supporting the theory loves UFO files for their own sake and they may have been lanterns blown off by winds files considers taxpayers' money well spent on after being let off, perhaps as a prank. collecting and filing them. Alert Print Post comment'Soon But there may be a tiny crumb of But Mr Lake, of Tudor Road, Barking, they will have no paperwork at comfort for the doc and other frustrated UFO urged witnesses to contact researchers and criticised the Ministry of Defence for pulling all' fanciers. They can no longer expect to while the plug on its UFO reporting service in away pleasant hours trawling through vast MoD December. files and pestering hapless civil servants with By Lewis Page The Government said no report had FoI requests: but there will still be UFO files of revealed evidence of a potential UK threat for a sort. The fabulous soaraway Sun, as everyone Following an announcement by the knows, has pledged to take on the task of more than 50 years. Ministry of Defence (MoD) that it will no running the nation's UFO files from the MoD. [] Mr Lake, who has researched UFOs for longer keep files of reported UFO sightings, it 55 years, said: "The likes of myself, and any has emerged after painstaking detective work Vision of Boarding UFO ufologist is going to take this subject very that - in fact - it is no longer doing so. seriously." The shock move by the MoD was Dominates Farrakhan He also lent credibility to the triangle revealed at the weekend by Blighty's foremost UFO sighting near Asda in Merrielands UFO expert and talking head, Dr David Clarke Speech Crescent, Dagenham, on November 30. of Sheffield Hallam uni, after he obtained "a Mr Lake said he saw a noisy triangle formerly secret MoD document" using the craft flying very low in Ripple Road, Barking, Freedom of Information Act. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam before it headed off down the River Thames This document was drafted at the time of spoke Sunday in Chicago for four hours, urging towards central London around six years ago. the MoD decision last November to close its help from Obama for the downtrodden and He added that increasing numbers of UFO desk - manned by a single case officer - blacks, and that Obama is being conspired UFOs were set to be captured on camera thanks and to cease keeping files of reported UFOs. to the versatility of digital technology. [] against by the "white right." But he spent most