Page 6 - 201003 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2010
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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:52 AM Page 6 6 From The ‘X’ Zone NewsDesk UK's UFO unit says it will welcomed Woods's partying ways so long as he joke at the time someone might report them as shred ex-X files didn't engage in extramarital affairs. UFOs. "We were in Tesco and I saw the words "If she doesn't get therapy, you will be (AP) – Feb 28, 2010 better off divorcing such a jealous partner to ‘UFO’ and ‘spotted’ in the Macc Express, I freely enjoy your sexual partners," he added, thought ‘oh no, it can’t be us?’ Then of course I LONDON — Britain's defense ministry inviting Woods to an upcoming Raelian seminar saw the date and realised it had to be. says it will shred records of UFO sightings after in Las Vegas.[] "We felt terrible about it but we did a huge rise in the number of reports submitted laugh about it too." by the public. Deeside UFO 'sighting' Jack, who suffered from spastic The Ministry of Defense said Sunday explained quadriplegia, went to Park Royal Special school that new reports will be thrown out after 30 and died peacefully in hospital where he was days, rather than kept on file. DeeSide Piper preparing for a gastronomy to help him eat. It means details of the sightings will be Theresa, who drives children with exempt from freedom of information laws that THE Ministry of Defence's response to reported special needs, added: "With it being his 18th we have allowed campaigners to force Britain's sightings of a UFO over the Royal Estate at wanted to do something special. It was a very government to disclose details of apparent UFO Balmoral has been published. beautiful occasion, we all wrote messages on encounters. The incident was amongst hundreds of the lanterns wishing him a happy birthday. The ministry had 634 reports of UFO close encounters described in previously top "It was very peaceful and calm and we sightings in 2009, the highest total since 1978 secret files that were made public by the MoD stood and watched them float into the sky until when the public submitted 750. last week. they disappeared." In December, Britain scrapped a phone The response followed newspaper Theresa, whose son Adam sadly died of line and e-mail account for the public to report reports that an unidentified flying object was cot death 24 years ago, added: "We are going to details of UFO activity. spotted being pursued by RAF jets over the be letting some more off on April 20, which is Britain's government said the service Balmoral Royal Estate on February 28, 1996. the anniversary of Adam’s death so if you look was a waste of defense resources. [] The MoD explained the alleged sighting out and see them it’s us up to our old tricks by saying a night-time exercise by Harrier jump again!" [] Elin needs therapy, not jets was taking place at the time. Bob Irwin reveals: I hear A letter from the MoD read: "I was able Tiger, says guru Rael to establish that two Harrier aircraft from No 4 Steve from the grave Squadron, which were on detachment at RAF Leuchars from RAF Laarbruch in Germany, Woman’s Day were conducting routine night vision goggle training in the Balmoral area at the time the For the first time since Steve Irwin’s tragic sighting was reported. There is no question that death, his father, Bob, has finally managed to they were sent up to intercept 'UFO/flying find peace and contentment – after an saucers'." extraordinary beyond-the-grave encounter with The response to the alleged sighting is his son. part of more than 6,000 pages of previously Although Bob says he has long sensed unseen material detailing hundreds of close Steve’s presence around him, he reveals it encounters that took place from 1994 to 2000. wasn’t until he received Steve’s message of The sightings include a testimony from a love and support from the other side that he was senior air traffic controller from Prestwick convinced his son’s spirit truly lives on – and Airport saying he had tracked a fast moving wants him to be happy. UFO on the airport radar in February 1999. “He has told me everything is OK, not FRENCH UFO guru Claude Vorilhon, alias The crew of a trawler in the North Sea to be sad and to keep up the fight, to continue Rael, advised golf superstar Tiger Woods in an 19 miles north-east of Fraserburgh reported looking after the animals,” Bob, 69, tells open letter to divorce his wife and embrace seeing a flat, shiny, round object hovering on Woman’s Day. multiple sexual partners. August 18, 1997. [] A former psychic cynic, Bob describes "Adultery is not mental disease but a his first true spiritual experience with Steve – very normal behavior among both humans and UFOs were Chinese who was killed three years ago by a stingray animals," said the leader of the atheist Raelian barb while diving in north Queensland – as both Movement, whose followers believe life on lanterns say family “powerful and moving”. earth was created by extra-terrestrials. Rhiannon McDowall “Steve told me things only he and I "I encourage you to explore what more knew about,” he reveals. “I still get goose and more people are calling 'polyamory', which Macclesfield's case of the mysterious Valentine bumps just thinking about it.” means loving many people simultaneously and UFOs has been solved – and in the truth lies a Deb Webber put Bob in touch with with no jealousy," he said. poignant tale of love and loss. Steve during a reading at his remote bush Alluding to Woods's televised apology When the Express reported how property, Camp Chilli, near Bundaberg in last week for his extramarital dalliances, Mr Margaret Frain, of Ullswater Mansions, saw a Queensland. Bob had requested the reading Vorilhon urged the golfer to "stop making his series of lights hovering over town on February with Deb after she was recommended by a life a model of guilt, sadness and conformism to 14, Theresa Bowers realised she and her family friend. antiquated Judeo-Christian values". were the unwitting culprits. “I told Deb how I had felt Steve around This, he said, sets a bad example for the Mum-of-seven Theresa, of Wilton me, how I would often wander into the bush, sit younger generation. Crescent, had arranged for her whole family to on a rock and open my heart to Steve,” Bob Woods's remarks last Friday, in which release 14 Chinese lanterns into the air in says. “I just desperately wanted to talk to him, he said he was undergoing therapy, were his celebration of what would have been son Jack and Deb thankfully made that possible. “Steve first public comments in nearly three months, William Mellor’s 18th birthday, who died when was so much more than a son to me, he was my since a sex scandal spiralled into a global media he was five years old. best mate.” [] storm and pushed him into self-imposed Theresa said: "We thought it would be a seclusion. fitting tribute to him for the whole family to JOIN ROB McCONNELL IN "The only person close to you who release these lanterns on what would have been THE ‘X’ ZONE needs therapy is your wife," Mr Vorilhon said, his 18th birthday. VISIT saying the golfer's spouse Elin Nordegren "When we were letting them off I did
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