Page 6 - Workplace Safety_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
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                 Workplace safety training begins on the first day of employment . Each employee is educated on the safety rules,
                 policies and procedures pertaining to his/her job . Managers should initiate back and forth dialogue with employees
                 to ensure understanding of our safety rules, policies, practices, and job specific requirements .

                 Job Specific Training

                   •   Managers will initially train employees on how to perform assigned job tasks safely
                   •   Managers will carefully review with each hourly employee the Working Safely at Fox Restaurant Concepts
                       material in the employee training manual
                   •   Managers will give employees specific directions on how to do the work safely
                   •   Managers will observe employees performing the work (if necessary, the manager will provide a
                       demonstration using safe work practices or instruction to correct training deficiencies before an employee is
                       permitted to do the work without supervision)
                   •   All employees will receive safe operating instructions on seldom-used or new equipment before using the
                   •   Managers will review safe work practices with employees before permitting the performance of new, non-
                       routine, or specialized procedures

                 Periodic Retraining of Employees
                 All employees will be retrained periodically on safety rules, policies and procedures, and when any change is made
                 to workplace safety resources .

                 Individual employees will be retrained after the occurrence of a work-related injury caused by an unsafe act or work
                 practice, and when a General Manager observes employees displaying unsafe acts, practices, or behaviors .

                                                                4                                     Revised November 2016
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