Page 4 - Horror Tango Final
P. 4

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of grain and agriculture; she is a beautiful and austere woman, characterized by long, fiery red hair. She is kidnapped by Hades, the God of the Realm of Dead, who for this occasion abandons the Underworld. Hades is so ugly that all women flee from his sight: Hades, in love with Persephone and fearing that she would flee from him, decides to kidnap her. For the kidnapping, Hades uses his helmet that makes him invisible. Demeter realizes that her daughter has disappeared for a few days and wanders through the Earth, disguised as an elderly woman, forgetting her duties as Goddess of Agriculture, thus creating a famine on the Earth. Therefore Zeus pushes Demeter to resume her activities, decides to return Persephone to her mother. Zeus tries to convince Hades to free Perseohone. However, Hades induced to Persephone to eat a pomegranate that binds her to him forever. But Persefone just only ate 6 grains and due to this, she can stay in the Underworld for six months within the year (autumn and winter), ruling during this time the underworld together with Hades, causing cold and forest devastation on the Earth. After these six months, she returns to the Earth with Deméter, her mother, causing that everything to be reborn and bloom, giving new fruits (spring and summer). This continuous journey of Persephone symbolizes the change of seasons.

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