Page 7 - Horror Tango Final
P. 7
Persephone, remembering her life before her downhill in the Underworld, is moved by the compassion and allows Orpheus to take Eurydice. Taking advantage that Hades is asleep. Persephone takes the key from Hades’ neck and opens the prison in which Eurydice is locked up. Orpheus is allowed to bring back Eurydice into the Realm of the Living on condition that during thejourney to the Earth goes before her and does not turn to look at her until they have reached the light of the sun. Hermes is there to accompany them on their journey. As they proceed, it makes way into Orpheus’ mind the idea that he is leading a shadow and Eurydice is not behind him, this makes him to forget the made promise, and he turns around to look back at her eyes for an instant, thus condemning her to back to the Underworld. Orpheus back to the Earth, expressing his pain in solitude and despair, refusing that woman who offered themselves to him, trying to seduce him. Orpheus then, falls back in love with boys. The Maenads with horns, infuriated by the behavior of Orpheus, with a wild fury cut him into pieces and spreas his limbs through the countryside, throwing his head into the river Ebro, together with his bandoneon. The head, swept by the waves, continues singing swettly and pronouncing Eurydice’s name, and the echo of the river banks repite her name. Zeus, touched by this moving event, takes the head of Orpheus and puts it in the sky as the brightets star of the new constellation of the bandoneon.