Page 62 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 62

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                                           Unit # 4

                       Independent ‘t’ Test

                   Learning Outcomes

                   At the end of this unit, readers will be able to:
                     Understand and to conduct independent-samples t-tests.
                     Perform a 7-step hypothesis test for two means using the
                       appropriate formula.
                     Extract  the  appropriate  information  from  a  problem  to
                       perform a complete 7-step hypothesis test.

                     Identify when to use independent t test.
                     Perform independent t-test calculation by hand.

                     Practically conduct independent t test in SPSS.
                     Understand the assumptions for an independent t-test.
                     Interpret t test results.
                     Write statistical and research conclusion in APA style.

               Steps for Statistical Inference
                   1.  Research Hypothesis
                   2.  Statistical Test
                   3.  Null /Alternative Hypothesis
                   4.  Set level of significance and critical values
                   5.  Compute Test Statistic
                   6.  Reach Statistical Conclusion
                   7.  Reach Research Conclusion

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           46
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