Page 65 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 65

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

               If sample size of the two groups is not equal (n 1 ≠ n 2) then

                          ̅ −   ̅   √                      ×

               Thus, the general formula to calculate the t-test statistics or t

               observed value is

                                               ̅    ̅

                                          −          −

                                   √                 ×

                      Assumptions for Independent Sample t-Test

               1. Samples must be independent

               If samples are not independent but grouped in some way, cannot
               separate the effect of the treatment from the effect of the groups.

               Example: To compare two classes of 30 students where one group
               uses the blue textbook and the other uses the red textbook, it is not
               possible to separate the effect of the book from the effect of the
               teacher. In such cases, use classrooms as the unit of analysis.

               2. Data are interval or ratio level

               Without  this  level  of  data,  computing  means  and  standard
               deviations  is  not  meaningful.  Nonparametric  tests  would  be  an
               alternative for nominal or ordinal data.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           49
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