Page 68 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 68

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                   i.  t critical value: 2.048 for two tailed test with 0.05 and df=

                   j.  t-test statistic:

                                             ̅    ̅

                                  √      −          −


                                        −            −

                            √                        √                  √

                   k.  Statistical conclusion: Fail to reject null hypothesis
                              Since our t statistics value (0.194) is less than t
                              critical value or tabulated value (2.048), we do not
                              have enough evidence to reject null hypothesis.

                   l.  Research conclusion:
                              There is no significant different between the
                              average workout of males and females.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           52
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