Page 305 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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On Theories of Knots 295
4. R. Graumont and J. Hensel, Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope
(Cornell Maritime Press, 1st edn. 1939, 4th edn. 1952) 690 pp.
5. B. Grant, Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding
(Cornell Maritime Press, 1972) 528 pp.
6. P. van de Griend, Knots and Rope Problems
(Privately published, limited edn., Arhus, 1992).
7. V. F. R. Jones, `A New Knot Polynomial and von Neumann Algebras',
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 33 No. 2 (1986) 219-225.
8. A. Karner, On The Development Of Turk's Heads
(The International Guild of Knot Tyers, 1984) 73 pp.
9. T. P. Kirkman, 'XXVI-The 364 unifilar knots of ten crossings, enu-
merated and described.' Trans. of Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 32 (1885)
10. J. Lehmann, Systematik and geographische Verbreitung der Geflecht-
(Abh. u. Ber. d. K. Zool. u. Anthr.-Ethn. Mus. zu Dresden, Bd.XI,
Nr. 3, 1907) 36 pp.
11. J. B. Listing, Vorstudien Ziir Topologie (Gottingen Studien, 1847).
12. K. A. Perko, `On 10-Crossing Knots', Portugaliae Mathematica 38
(1979) 5-9.
13. K. Reidemeister, Knotentheorie (First published, 1932; reprint Chelsea,
N.Y., 1948; English translation, BCS Associates, Idaho, U.S.A., 1983).
14. D. Rolfsen, Knots and Links (Publish or Perish, Inc. 1976) 438 pp.
15. A. G. Schaake et al., [Pamphlet Series-Topics in Braiding Theory and
Pamphlet No. 1, Introducing Grid-Diagrams in Braiding
(1991) 32 pp.
Pamphlet No. 2, Edge Lacing-The Double Cordovan Stitch
(1991) 23 pp.
Pamphlet No. 3, Braiding Application-Horse Halter (1991) 24 pp.
Pamphlet No. 4, The Regular Knot Tree and Enlargement Processes
(1991) 38 pp.
Supplement to No. 4, Casa-Coded Regular Knots (1995) 31 pp.
Pamphlet No. 5, An Introduction to Flat Braids (1991) 36 pp.
Pamphlet No. 6, An Introduction to Evolution Processes (Part 1)
(1992) 82 pp.
Supplement to No. 6, Headhunter-Fan Knots (1994) 18 pp.
Pamphlet No. 7, The Braiding of Column-Coded Regular Knots
(1992) 37 pp.
Pamphlet No. 8, Knots-Facts and Fallacies (1992) 45 pp.
Pamphlet No. 9, The Braiding of Row-Coded Regular Knots