Page 310 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 310
300 History and Science of Knots
Sometimes, in the word game, substituting a letter makes no sense; then,
if a meaningful word cannot be found, progress is halted. Only proper words
will do. In trambling, too, knots must be practical ones. But sometimes-just
as my seventh word is vulgar-an odd or unusual knot may be unavoidable.
Fig. 1. The Shaw Series
The Shaw Series
The first to write about tuck-transformations seems to have been George Rus-
sell Shaw, over 70 years ago [15]. He considered 20 possible layouts of the
classic Carrick and Reef patterns tied in two cords. In fact only eight proper
knots or bends can be made, but he found that they were were linked by a