Page 427 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 427
422 History and Science of Knots
her crafts and knotting work have appeared in eighteen exhibitions throughout
the world-for example in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Germany and the United
States of America.
Ms Chen is a research fellow at the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
and is the author of many monographic publications on the arts and crafts of
China. Two books of hers which teach the knotting craft are Chinese Knot-
ting and Chinese Knotting 2, published by Echo Craft Books; they contain
many beautiful colour photographs and pictures of the decorative knots being
Antje Christensen
Antje Christensen (nee Kaselowsky) was born in 1969, in Stolzenau, Germany.
She began studying mathematics at the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum in Germany
in 1989. As a student of Professor Heiner Zieschang, a renowned topologist
and group theorist, she became involved with knot theory. She finished her
`Diplom' in Mathematics in February 1994. After that she started working
for a Ph.D. degree, again in knot theory and with Professor Zieschang. In the
Spring term of 1993, she went as an exchange student to Arhus University,
Denmark; there, at the Institute of History of the Exact Natural Sciences, she
followed a course in history and philosophy of Mathematics, given by Kirsti
Andersen. During this course she became interested in quipus, and wrote an
essay on them, which is the basis for her contribution to this book.
She spent the academic year 1993/94 at the University Paul Sabatier
in France, studying with Professor Zieschang. Currently (mid-1995) she is a
research visitor at the University of Melbourne in Australia, staying for three
months; early in 1996 she will continue her knot studies at Osaka University
in Japan, again for three months.
Recently Antje married Thomas K. Christensen, from Denmark and also
a mathematician.
Sally Jo Cunningham
Sally Cunningham was born in Louisiana in 1961. She has several very di-
verse interests, as is demonstrated by the degrees she has earned: a B.A. in
Humanities (Asian Studies), then B.S. in Computer Science, and minor in
Mathematics from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; and a Ph.D.
in Computer Science, with minors in Chinese History and Library and Infor-
mation Science, from Louisiana State University. During all her schooling, she
maintained a childhood hobby-crocheting. This was sometimes difficult, as
she had to hide her doilies from her major professor (who felt that she should
be more `productive')!