Page 432 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 432


            FK (t), 245                          activities cont.)
            L-polynomial, 246                       rope rescues, 149
            PK(t), 244                           Africa
            R-matrices, 249                         Koobi Fora, 6
            TK(u), 238                              Olduvai Gorge, 6
            VK(t), 243                           Akutsu, Y., 247
            OK, 231                              Alexander matrix, 230
            V, 244                               Alexander polynomial, 230
            VK(t), 236                           Alexander, J. W., 228
            `Basket-age', 43                     algebraic link problem, 242
            `Code of the quipu', 74              Alphabend, 301, 304
            `drawing line', 351
                                                 Alpine Journal, 152
            `off-loom' weaving, 350
                                                 altar cloths, 336
            `trolley lace', 350
                                                 American Indians, 338
            `white-work', 351
                                                 amphoras carrying net, 49
            12-fold knottiness, 223
                                                 Analysis Situs, 211
            3-manifolds, 230
                                                 anchor cables, 199
            abacus, 86                           anchorage , 156, 196
            abseil engineering, 176              anchorages, artificial, 163
            abseiling, 155, 172, 175             anchoring, 144
            Acheulian, 6                            devices, 197
            activities                           ancient Greece, 84
                abseiling, 149                   antimacassars, 341
                canyoning, 149                   archaelogical finds, 73
                caving, 149                      archaeological materials, 3
                climbing, 149                    archaeological techniques, 4

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